With my low mileage, these posts aren't all that exciting... but I did get out for two 3-mile runs this week. One on Tuesday morning. So muggy! And the second yesterday morning in the rain. Still muggy! I ran down the powerlines yesterday to Topsham Crossing. But I was not alone. I was followed by an angry horde of deer flies. They are nasty buggers! I managed to kill only one, so Snowman is definitely doing better in the deer flies vs. human department than I am. Still, the deer flies were at least offset by the abundant blueberries along the trail. Yum!
We are headed up to Baxter State Park on Sunday. Hurray!! I am really looking forward to it. We have rented a 2-person cabin on Daicey Pond. Last September, during our final miles on the AT, we found ourselves hiking past the white blazes along Daicey Pond and noticed the cabins. We both thought it looked like a pretty neat set-up, and so earlier this spring, I sent in a reservation request. I figured there was no way any of the cabins would still be available, but we got lucky and they sent back a response saying we had gotten a cabin! Should be a lot of fun. We'll be up there for 3 days/2 nights. We won't be getting in any major hiking, but it will be nice to be up there and we're planning on doing some shorter hikes and exploration. Baxter is just such a beautiful place. It is always worth a visit, even at 29 weeks pregnant! :-)
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
22 hours ago