Snowman was at Frontier for an afternoon meeting, and suggested I meet him there for dinner. Yes, we had food to eat at home, but it's hard to resist Frontier's yummy food and great views. So, guess where we ate for dinner?! :-)
As we were sitting by the window, looking out at the roaring Androscoggin River, I noticed a few birds flitting back and forth between the trees between the river and the parking lot. Finally, one of them sat still in silhouette, and we realized we were watching a small flock (5 to 6 birds) of cedar waxwings. Cool! Then, even cooler, the birds flew up to the big mill windows, where many spiders had taken up residence and built webs. The birds flew in and out, snatching up spider after spider right in front of us. Wow! An up-close view of the waxwing's beautiful rosy breast and bright yellow tail edging. Gorgeous.
Marty Hall
6 days ago
Lucky! I've never identified one. Neat looking birds.
I know. It was really neat to see them so close up! I've seen them before but always from a distance.
Hope the hamstring is feeling better!
The cedar waxwing panini was delicious!
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