I set out this morning hoping to run the Highland Green cart paths, plus whatever else I could get in in the time alloted. After all, it wasn't yet 9am, and it wasn't even 45 degrees out. Surely the golfers wouldn't be out yet, right? Ah, nope. I turned onto the path towards hole #1 and sure enough, there was someone in a cart near the 1st tee. Darn! Silly golfers! So much for enjoying the cart paths this month like I usually can in April! I guess I'll just have to wait until fall to run them again... Too bad, as the cart paths really are nice running, and since they are a nice gravel surface, they are good for faster running without the pounding you get running on pavement.
OK, onto plan B. I headed over to the quarry and onto the Heath Trail to run down to the river and back. The river gurgled and flowed over the rocks - very pretty. In the marshy area along the Vernal Pond, a number of red-winged blackbirds chided me as I ran past, interrupting their peaceful search for food amongst the brush. I wanted to get in a solid hour of running, so instead of heading right back home, I headed down the dirt road to Tedford and then up the powerlines. Hmmm, still time... A quick turn off onto the short snowshoe loop through the Mt. Ararat woods, where a phoebe was loudly proclaiming its name from a tree and some sort of a yellowish/greenish unidentifiable (to me, at the time, anyway!) warbler flitted in and out of the still bare brush, and then the long way in on Forest got me right to 7 miles in 1:04:02. And with just enough time to hop in the shower before heading up to work. Perfect!
Marty Hall
1 day ago
Golfers are a strange brood of human. Birds are much more interesting. Nice spring sightings!
You need to do golfer sprints... They work wonders.
Jeremy, I probably could use to do some speed work, indeed, and trying to stay ahead of errant early spring golf balls would probably have been a good workout :-) Wish I had thought of it! Ha!
Jamie, I do love this time of year when the birds come back and the trees are still bare enough to see them!
Danielle knows golfers are a strange breed...she married one! No offense Ryan, some of my best friends are golfers. That said, what are the shoulders of roads like in your area? Around, here, most of the shoulders are dirt and make great soft-surface running.
Jeff, you said it! :-) As for road shoulders, sadly, no really solid ones in the direct vicinity. Both 201 and 196 have wide shoulders but they are pavement, and a lot of the other residential streets have sidewalks which means no real shoulders. Ah well. I don't need to run "fast" too often, just every once in a while so as to not forget! :-)
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