Sunday, April 29, 2012

Family Fun

No running for me today, although I have to say, I feel surprisingly much less sore than I would have thought. I am a bit stiff, yes, but nothing major, and as Ryan said, "Wow, you haven't been limping around at all." Ummm, thanks, honey :-)

With no running on tap for today, we spent the day hanging out with the family. It is Ryan's Uncle Charlie's 90th birthday tomorrow, so he, and Ryan's grandparents, came over for the day. We ate, and talked, and ate and talked, and ate some more :-) Perfect recovery day! As always, it was great to see everyone! After naptime, Ryan, Sam and I also got in a visit to the farm, and Sam, Dana and I got out for a little walk to enjoy the sunshine too.

Gotta love her sense of style :-)

"B" (and P) hats!

We love hats!

Enjoying a walk through the neighborhood

At the farm

Watching the 3 week old duckies

Hanging out with Great Uncle Charlie

Pistachios with Great Grammie

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