Saturday, August 6, 2011

Morning Five

I was in bed and asleep by 9pm last night. After a night of little sleep on Thursday night, thanks to a skunk spraying right outside our house, which literally stunk up our house and woke me out of a dead sleep, and a long day at work hanging a new show yesterday, I was beat. I was literally aching all over from tiredness. I had planned to run last night, but it just wasn't in the cards. A bit of relaxation and an early bedtime were probably the best thing I could do for myself, and after a decent night's sleep, I woke up this morning feeling much better. Sam and I hung out for a while and then around 7:30, I headed out for a 5 mile run on the Homeplace loop before work. It wasn't all that warm out, but man, was it humid! I was soaked by the end. In fact when I came in the door, Sam said, "Mama hot! Mama [s]sweaty!" Very true, honey, very true :-)

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