Both Sam and I had doctor's appointments today. Sam is up to a whopping 7.0 lbs! Ryan has taken to calling her "the Tank," which is not really true as she is still pretty darn tiny, but it is an impressive weight gain of over a 1/2 pound since last Thursday's visit. She also peed all over the doctor's office scale after the weigh-in... Yup, that's our girl! :-)
My appointment went well too. The incision is healing up fine, and I am down to 10 pounds above my weight on that first visit to the doctor at 10 weeks. I have no idea what my real "pre-pregnancy" weight is, as we don't own a scale, but losing 17 pounds since Sam's birth seems pretty good to me. (Yes, I gained 27 pounds during the pregnancy. Wow and yikes, all at once!) I'm pretty happy with that, although I know my body is definitely a different shape at this point and I've absolutely lost muscle along the way. Oh well, hopefully that will come back relatively easily once I can be running again.
OK, enough about weight... I'll conclude the update with two 'Ronnie & Gigi' photos (oh yes, Sam is in one of them too) that are too cute not to include :-)
Ronnie the watchcat
Gigi being mischevious