Sunday, March 31, 2019

Weekend Fun

Yesterday morning I got up and out on the roads around town. A bit tired and creaky but not bad overall. Meandered here and there and everywhere. (10.0 miles)

Sam had a sleepover with one of her friends so Ryan and I dropped her off and went straight to Frontier, where we proceeded to sit at the bar for about 3 hours, eating and drinking and talking. A fun date night!😀🍹

I was flat out exhausted though, so I was in bed before 9:00 pm. I know, wild and crazy, right?! 😂😂

I had been thinking about heading over to Bradbury for the Sunday group run, but the lure of a relaxing morning on the couch with the cats, drinking coffee, in the quiet house, was too much and I didn't make it anywhere. Ha! Finally got up and out around 10:00 am for a warm and windy run around Highland Green and Canam to cap off the week. (6.0 miles) Happy to feel decent at the end of a 55 mile week!

Looking back at last year, I ran 530.6 miles in the first 3 months of the year; this year I've run 560.6. Well, if nothing else, at least I'm consistent! 😆😉


Leslie said...

This made me check my mileage for 2019 so far. 561! Funny!

Sparkplug said...

Ha! I suspect this solid 3 months for me might be low mileage for you though ;)