Monday, July 3, 2017

Day at the Beach

Sam is headed to my parent's for two weeks on Thursday, and with tomorrow being 4th of July, it seemed to make the most sense for me to take the week off and hang out with her instead of sending her to camp for two days. Ryan was working today so I figured we would head to the beach for some fun in the sun :) Sam requested Reid State Park so that is just what we did!

[Aside: I can hardly believe she is grown up enough to head off to NC without us for two weeks, but I know she will have a blast. Morgan is down there too, and at the end of their visit, Kristen and I will go down for a few days for all of us to be together before we all head home and let my parents rest! :) We are incredibly grateful to my parents for coordinating this time with the grandkids and I know Sam is going to have a blast! I am sure I will miss her more than she will miss me ;)]

It was a beautiful day and although we checked out the beach, the waves and wind were pretty strong so we set up along the Lagoon and it worked out perfectly! Plenty of water and sand to play in, periwinkles and crabs to collect, and I was even able to get in up above my ankles ;)

In a funny coincidence, John was headed to Reid too so he joined us for a few hours, and I also saw one of my old college friends, Allison, and her girls there enjoying the beach as well! I guess we all had the same idea on a beautiful July day :) A fun way to spend the day, for sure!

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