Well, the running this weekend wasn't too exciting. 5 miles on Highland Green Road yesterday morning when my legs felt like junk, the fog was eating the snow, the back road was muddy, slippy, sloppy, the powerlines were mushy soft snow, and things were seeming very dreary. Blah. Then 6 miles via yet another variation of Highland Green this morning. Thankfully, though, my legs felt much better and I used the new path to get there, which was a smarter call, and the back dirt road was much firmer, which all led to a bit more rhythm and ease of running.
Luckily, we got out for a few fun family adventures this weekend which more than made up for the lackluster running. Yesterday, we headed over to Skofield Shore Preserve for a short hike on a foggy, overcast afternoon.. We found soft snow in the woods, heard and saw a pair of redwinged blackbirds out on the bare apple trees at the field's edge and enjoyed tromping on the snow and ice blocks along the shoreline. A good little exploration for the day!
Today, we went out to brunch at the Kopper Kettle and then donned our xc skis for a ski out on the trail running through the woods next to the Brunswick Landing golf course. We were pleasantly surprised to find as much snow as we did in the woods, and to have the trail be in such good condition. Sam did a great job with a lot more balance and confidence this time around. A nice 1 mile ski for the afternoon!
Marty Hall
2 days ago