Well, because it is just how things go, I managed to pick up Sam's germs and now have a cold. Gah!! Managed to catch some extra sleep on Friday and Saturday, and spent all day Friday lazing around, watching the rain fall and the kids run around wildly, both of which were good but I had really hoped for some miles on Friday! Ah well.
Late morning on Saturday after the fog had lifted, Ryan and I headed out on the roads for the Weldon Farms loop, at a more reasonable pace than Thursday. Nice to have a chance to run with Ryan! Doesn't happen too often!! Not sure the five miles did much in the face of all the leftovers but it was a good run :)
Sunday, we were back at home and the cats woke me up early. Of course ;) So after a leisurely, quiet start to the day, with Ryan and Sam still sleeping, I snuck out at 8:00 for a run. It started to rain about a minute into the run, and I decided to keep it short with a cart path/Heath loop. Definitely not feeling great but it could be worse. Got in a 5 mellow miles before coming home for a shower and cup of tea.
So a bit more of a forced taper this week than I had hoped for but hopefully with all the ammo I can throw at the cold, a bit of extra rest and a few miles next week, I'll be ready to go for Fells. Fingers crossed!!!
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
23 hours ago