Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Turn Baby Turn

37 weeks today. 3 weeks to go. Or not. It appears that the little lady has other plans. She has been breech since the ultrasound I had back in August. She was still breech today. Frank breech, in fact. Her head is right up in my right rib. She appears to be very comfy in this position. Like 4 or 5% of other babies out there, she is in the wrong position at this late stage of the game. There is still a chance she might turn. But it is unlikely, especially given that my amniotic fluid levels are relatively low. The doctor won't try a version because she is small and because of the fluid levels. This leaves me with the more holistic options for trying to turn her. Playing music to the lower part of the uterus in an effort to lure her toward the tunes (how odd is that?!). Pelvic tilt. Cold compress on the top of the uterus and warm compress at the bottom. Among others. So, odd positions and mesmerizing music, here we come!

But in case she doesn't turn, I am being scheduled for a c-section. According to the doctor, it will likely be on October 9th. Someone will be calling me within a week to confirm the date, time and details. So perhaps I will have a set end date to this after all! Although honestly, c-section was at the bottom of my wish list for this pregnancy. Now, I have had time to think about it, and to mentally try to prepare for this possibility, but I am still a bit scared. Of the surgery. Of the recovery. Of the possible complications. But I realize that a typical delivery has its own trials. Its own recovery period and possible complications. In my dreams, the little lady would come in one push and that would be that. But how likely is that? :-) And in the end, really, the most important thing here is that the little lady comes out healthy. So, if it is by c-section that she arrives, so be it. I'll let you know!


R. Ian Parlin said...

Good luck with the music and odd positions, I hope it works!

Scout said...

I hope it works,too, but...People who have had c-sections tell me they don't develop the "pee-when-you-sneeze" issue which for a lot of runners translates to "pee-when-you-run-hard". No fun! A silver lining perhaps?

middle.professor said...

Maybe guys shouldn't comment on these things other than saying that we wish you well. But I can't leave it at that! Vaginal births have their own set of complications that can make a C-section seem like a mere flesh wound (there I go talking about things guys just cannot know about. So ask Cacky). We do all wish for the best and I'm thrilled to know that if you have a really, really easy delivery and quick recovery, you can race in the Craig Cup (ok that's all I'm really thinking about these days).

Sparkplug said...

Thanks guys! And yes, I agree, there certainly seem to be positives to the c-section - one can always find a silver lining to things, right?! :-) Jeff, I don't know that I'll be able to make it to the Craig Cup - I plan to recover fast and well, but I don't know that I'll be THAT fast :-) - but I know it will be a great event!!

mindy said...

Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly, either way. She's almost here!