Saturday, June 6, 2009

Green and White

At this time of year, I'm constantly amazed by how green everything is. And at the variety of it - the light greens of the ferns, the darkening greens of the oak tree leaves as they grow, the dense greens of the pine needles, the range of green on the forest floor. Today, while running in the Commons, all I could see was green. With white highlights - starflowers, false lily of the valley coating the ground, strawberry blossoms, bunchberries, and honeysuckle. Yes, other colors are to be found here and there - the pink ladyslippers remain, but the rhodora flowers are past, and the sheep laurel have not yet taken their place; a few buttercups rise from the grasses in the fields; the soft bluets can still be seen. But for the most part, it was a green and white run, good for contemplation on a quiet morning.

In baby news, I have been feeling the little lady moving around, which is exciting. She is still pretty tiny, so I tend to only notice her moving and shifting when I am paying attention or quietly sitting on the couch or lying in bed at night. Snowman has been able to feel her move a few times too in the past few days - it's nice that he can be a part of things too! I know that soon she'll be kicking and pushing a lot more, so for now I'm just enjoying the small movements.


Jamie Anderson said...

Very poetic description of the run! Amazing how lush everything is, especially with all the rain we had. It definitely is pretty.

Very cool about the baby! Sounds like a bacon and Giradelli brownie little ultra-runner and hiker in the making. :-)

Sparkplug said...

She had better like bacon and Giradelli brownies, or I think both Ryan and I will be broken hearted ;-)

Anonymous said...

poetic description good to read..

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