Wednesday, June 24, 2009

24 Weeks: Thoughts on Pregnancy and Running so far

1. You would think that at 24 weeks, I would be 6 months, right? But if pregnancy is 9 months, why the heck do I still have 16 weeks to go?! They should really be calling it 10 months... which seems like a really, really long time!! Maybe the little lady will take pity on me in the last few weeks and come a little (but not too much!) early :-)

2. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy so far, and realize I am lucky in that regard. However, I also know that I will be happy to have my body back once the little lady has arrived. I am not one of those women who just loves being pregnant, although I truly am awed at what our bodies can do.

3. I had my 24 week checkup yesterday, and all is well. The scale has officially settled in the 130s. I realize rationally that I have to gain weight in order for the little lady to grow and develop. But, I have spent the past 12+ years with my weight in the low 120s, and to move into a whole other category is just a bit much to handle. I'm really hoping to not gain too much in the next 16 weeks and to keep in the lower range of the recommended weight gain, and I just hope that whatever I do gain melts off easily as I get back into running after the birth.

4. Speaking of running, I am still out there. But it is slow. Again, I am thankful that I am running at 24 weeks, but I can't wait until I can go out and sweat without being nervous about what my heart rate is, wondering if I am getting too hot and thinking about how the little one is doing! Running with all these things in mind is not quite as enjoyable as before. One of the reasons I love running is that it empties my mind and calms me down. It still has the potential to do that, but I am much more conscious of how my body is reacting these days. I do not want to push too much or too hard, and I don't feel quite as carefree out on the roads or trails as I run along these days.

5. When I first got pregnant, I was sure I would be able to keep up a once-a-week long run of 9 or 10 miles. Now I am happy to get in 5 or 6, and most days it is 3 or 4 :-)

6. I would love to have a nice glass of red wine at night, or perhaps an ice cold margarita on a muggy afternoon. I am not craving anything else, but those two things sound pretty good right now :-) Think I could have a margarita to sip on in the delivery room?!

7. It is strange to have my thoughts center so much around someone that I have not yet met or laid eyes on (with the exception of the ultrasound pictures).

8. I am nervous about a lot of things - the birth, how we'll manage it all financially, emotionally and physically once she's born, how life is changing, etc - but I am also thankful for many things - I'm healthy, she's healthy, we're a happy family with lots of love and support around us - and all this allows the worries to recede a bit into the back of my mind.

9. It is awesome to be able to feel the little lady kick and move around.

10. It is extra neat that Snowman can feel her move around now too.

11. We love her already. It is crazy, I know, but true.


Jamie Anderson said...

I particularly liked number seven. You two are going to be awesome parents.

middle.professor said...

human gestation is supposed to be 266 days = 38 weeks. But since the medical wizards start the gestation clock at the last menstruation, a full term pregnancy is 40 weeks. This of course assumes that the average woman ovulates 1/2 way through a 28 day cycle and that this half-way point is when fertilization occurred. Regardless, the two weeks of non-pregnancy is stupid; I'm not sure why we just don't start the clock 2 weeks after the last menstruation. It makes it really hard to follow week-by-week development using an embryology textbook! By the way, I read a recent abstract that found that average gestational was actually 274 days, although I'm not sure how they determined fertilization, or maybe they just used last menstruation. Something to think about on your next run!

Sparkplug said...

Thanks Jamie! We will try :-)

And Jeff, yes, now I have lots of numbers to think about... and I agree with you, why add on the first two weeks of non-pregnancy! So silly!

pathfinder said...

OK...what did Jeff say? First the calculation of his Mt Washington run and now this.....It seems unfair that he got the super fast running gene and the intelligent gene too!

Anyway, You too are going to be fantastic parents.....your child is soooo lucky! I have visions of her passing me in a road race, all comfy in the stroller while being pushed by sn0man.....yes I have been passed by baby stroller pushers is a bit embarrasing.