Thursday, June 4, 2009

21 Weeks

Running has been mellow as of late. Yes, I know this is to be expected, what with me being 21 weeks pregnant and such :-) But it is still odd to not have any races coming up, or serious running goals out there. I am not sure I can think of a summer in the past years where I did not have some sort of focus, whether running or hiking related, or both. I suppose I will have to be content with my "goal" of running as long as I can through pregnancy. I realize that a lot can, and will, change in the upcoming 19 weeks, but I feel strongly that if I can run I want to do it. I know it is good for me, both physically and emotionally, and that is it good for the little lady too. I also know that it will likely get harder as I go along. But I am cool with that. I am up for the challenge!

I managed to squeeze in a 3 mile run on Monday, in between our ultrasound and doctor's appointment. They wanted to get another look at the little one's heart, as it was a bit too early the last time to see all that they wanted to see. Things looked great, and it was fun to see her moving around again. She's also grown a lot in the past two weeks, with her weight up 4 oz. for a total of 12 oz. I guess that's likely why I've gained a few pounds too :-) The run was fine, although with my heart rate a bit high, probably because I was stressed out from all the visits to the doctor/hospital that day. I seem to have serious 'white coat syndrome' for some reason, even though I've always been healthy and shouldn't really have reason to be scared of going to the doctor. Yesterday's run on the same loop was much better, and I felt good. I am going to try to get out tonight for another 3 miler, but if not, there is always tomorrow morning :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mellow and late what is the relationship..

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