Yesterday, it was rainy and dreary and I just plain didn't feel like running. My mind was just not in the right place. The Kavanaugh debacle is not helping either... So, I didn't. Instead I ran around all day getting groceries, doing errands, cleaning the windows, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, taking the recycling to the transfer station, doing laundry, going to the library... Sometimes it just feels good to knock things off your to-do list and that was what I did today. My watch said I got over 15,000 steps, with no run! Yup, I don't do much sitting around on my Fridays 😂😁
But this morning when the alarm went off, I got up and leisurely made my way downstairs, eating breakfast, drinking coffee, doing my exercises, stretches and push-ups and finally heading out a little after 6:30 am once the sky had started to lighten. It was in the mid-40s, perfect weather for shorts, long sleeves and gloves as I made my way down Main Street.
Mile 1 is mostly flat - 8:26 with a stop at the light, Strava says 8:09 moving time
Mile 2 is essentially all downhill with a small rise at the end up to the bridge over the Androscoggin - I looked down and saw 7:53, and thought... hmmm, maybe I keep up the under 8:00 pace for the next 4 miles... that would be a good way to work this run...
Mile 3 - The sun and fog are rising over the river. It is simply glorious. I stop twice to take photos. I can't not. Watch reads 8:23. Darn, might have missed sub-8:00. I resolve to pick it up for mile 4. Strava says 7:48.
Mile 4 - It is truly beautiful along the river. I could stop every few feet to take a photo of the fog rising over the water. A cormorant sits on a rock, surrounded by fog. A person in rowing along the river, engulfed in fog. If I had a good camera, I could have taken some beautiful shots this morning! But I don't stop, instead I just take it all in... 7:50.
Mile 5 - I've turned around and it's a bit downhill. The fog is clearing. Still feel good. 7:34.
Mile 6 - A bit of an uphill back up to the bridge. Definitely having to work a bit now. 7:41.
Mile 7 & 8 - OK, we can ease up now... Uphill. 8:18 and 8:07.
This route is a good one for a faster paced run, which is what I had planned for this morning, but didn't anticipate those middle 5 miles. Maybe my "speed workouts" are working, or maybe it's just because it's pavement and it's dead flat. Regardless, I'll take it, and am happy to have felt good while doing it! And truly a beautiful morning to be out! (8.0 miles)
Marty Hall
2 days ago