Well, the excitement is really in the lost tooth this week ;) Look at this toothless grin on my girl! I just love it. But boy oh boy is she getting big!
Running has been moving along this week, with two early midweek runs and a good Friday morning run. Tuesday I got up early and headed out once it was light, about 6:25 on an overcast morning, and headed up Rt 201 to Meadow. Running the lollypop around Highland Green is getting a bit old at this point in the winter/spring, so I figured I'd do something different. Ran out and back for a total of 5 miles at a decent clip. Good to get a few hills in but man, Meadow is a busy road early in the morning! I wasn't expecting so much traffic! I had been hoping for a sunrise from atop Bisson's hill, looking down over the fields, but I guess that will have to wait for another day. Too overcast for any excitement in the sky.
Thursday morning, I was out even earlier, around 6:15 and there was no need for a headlamp at all. Ran the 6-mile Highland Green loop via the path. It was a bit windy and the sidewalks were a bit icy due to the melting snow freezing up overnight on the pavement, but nothing too crazy. Kept the pace mellow.
Friday, although I was feeling a bit dreary and my Friday morning run partners were all otherwise occupied, I decided I would head over to the Brad to try out the trails, as I knew it would likely be the only trail run I would get this week! Temps had dipped into the high 20s overnight so things were mostly frozen, with lots of uneven transformed mostly packed snow, some bare patches, a lot of wet patches, ice, sloppy unpacked snow, a whole lot of blowdowns out on the Connector and some just barely packed enough snow for me to tromp and slip and slide and run around for a little over 9 miles on the mountain side and out on the Connector. I had originally been thinking of more miles, but my hip flexors were a bit cranky with me due to the conditions and I felt like the miles were good enough for the day. Happy to have gotten out even on messy trails!
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
22 hours ago