Thursday, May 29, 2014

Midweek Running

Life's been busy in our house, and I'm in taper mode, so the running hasn't been all that exciting :-) Got in a soggy 3 miles yesterday on a cold, raw, misty and rainy morning. Brrr. And brrr again this morning too! I headed out at 5:50 am and it was only 41 degrees out! Crazy. I even sheepishly donned my tights. That is just too cold for shorts if it isn't race day! I ran down to the river and back for a nice 5 miler, enjoying the lush green woods and the accent of the white starflowers and bunchberries, the magenta fringed polygala and the light pink of the ladyslippers against all the greenery. I could hear the river long before I reached its banks; I stopped for a moment before turning back uphill to watch the water churn and tumble as a light mist rose into the air. Beautiful morning to be out.

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