Saturday, December 31, 2022

Last Week of December & Christmas #2!

Monday, got out for a mid-morning run on the cart paths and around the Heath. Lots of ice slicks, and the Heath loop was just a bad idea - it was pretty much downed tree, frozen puddle, broken bog bridge, repeat! πŸ˜‚ But nice to get on the trails and some gravel in the daylight! (10.0 miles)

Neat ice patterns in the frozen puddles. The center of this one reminded me of a heart πŸ’—

Hmm, all three hazards at once! πŸ˜†

Somebody had been through along the Heath, a cute little raccon!

Later in the day once it had warmed up, we decided on a short walk in the woods. Always good to get out in the Cathance with my two loves 😍 Lots of interesting ice, some cool beaver sculptures and the river was roaring! (1.2 miles walked)

Foamy ice pancakes

So neat

Rushing water


Went into the office for the day and then took Sam to late swim on Tuesday. The Y and the track were nice and quiet with it being an in-between holidays week and the end of the year. Sure to be another story next week with all the New Year’s resolutions! (2.2 miles walked)

Got out Wednesday morning for an early morning road run. Beautiful sky and nice and calm. (7.0 miles)

Decided to check out the Powerlines on Thursday morning. With a thin dusting of snow stop the ice and semi-frozen sand, it was a bit sketchy, and the legs felt a bit clunky, but nice to get out. Stopped to watch, and be watched, by a gorgeous fluffy red fox in the far field for a bit. (10.0 miles)

Hello there!

And then it was off to Massachusetts for 2nd Christmas! πŸŽ„Such a nice day that after lunch, we headed outside in an attempt to burn some of the boy's energy, and Sam and I took a short walk. (1.0 miles) 

Are you ready to come outside and play?! 😎

Then it was on to a yummy take-out dinner from Agave - such good Mexican food, some family game time and getting a plate ready for Santa and the reindeer before getting all the presents out and stockings ready for the morning😍

Look at these cuties!


Friday was spent opening presents, eating, drinking, laughing, lounging and relaxing together, with maybe just a wee bit of chaos thrown in πŸ˜‚ So nice to see everyone and spend time together! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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