Sunday, May 27, 2018


A long weekend and not much on the calendar except some running, some cheering and hanging out at Pineland today, and hopefully a family hike tomorrow. Slept in a bit yesterday and didn't get out until after 8:00 am for my run. After a really warm Friday, temps had cooled a bit but it was insanely humid. I was dripping in sweat after just the first few miles! My legs felt good after Friday's run but my stomach was a bit off. Had to take a short detour onto Highland Green Road and find a porta-potty before heading down onto the Cathance trails. Thank goodness for construction ;)

As I was heading down to the river, the rain started to fall, which actually felt pretty good, and honestly I was soaked already anyway! A very pretty rainy morning down along the river with painted trillium and blue bead lilies blooming. Also saw the first red eft of the season. Yay! A good way to start a mellow Saturday. (7.1 miles)

Blue bead lily 

Raindrops, the Heath

First red eft of the season! 😍

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