Sunday, June 2, 2019


While Ryan was off running Chesterfield yesterday, Sam had two of her friends over to practice their dance for the school variety show and then later we got out for an afternoon walk, because it was beautiful out and I couldn't not get out on the trails for National Trails Day! We walked around the Heath, stopping to admire the rhodora blooming 💗 and swatting away the bugs along the way. 😂 A nice mellow meander for the afternoon! (1.1 miles walked)

Ryan got in a great 50 miles and then gamely drove home, making for a really long day! Thankful to have him home, and also thankful he made the drive last night so that I could get out for my long run this morning 😂😂 Headed out into the fog and mist this morning for a road and trail meander. Hit the powerlines to Highland Green Road, ran across the connector to loop through the Highlands and detoured down onto those trails for a bit. Some nice patches of starflower and fringed polygala up in the birch grove above the river.

Then it was across the swinging bridge into Brunswick, winding over to Thornton Oaks to hit the Crystal Spring Farm trails. The ladyslippers were out in the woods along with starflower, wild indian cucumber, goldthread, dwarf ginseng, painted trillium, bluets, violets and some lovely apple blossoms on the trees along the field's edges.

From there, I headed across the blueberry fields to the high school and then out through the extended Commons, down to the pond, counting ladyslippers along the way and enjoying the quiet woods. Ran the roads out into Pennelville, listening to the bobolinks chatter in the fields and watching the swallows swoop overhead. There was a woman walking her dog, which scared up a turkey from the roadside, giving all of us a good laugh.

Meandered out on the rather damp grassy path into Coleman Farm, admiring the few rhododendron that were blooming and enjoying the ocean views.

Then it was back through the Commons, looking carefully for ladyslippers along the way and enjoying the magenta rhodora shining particularly bright on this overcast day. Ran the path along the edge of the Bowdoin fields, stopping to admire a patch of lily of the valley on the way. Then it was down through town, breathing in the smells of the lilacs and other flowering trees as I wound my way back home on the roads.

All in all, a lovely, if rather damp, morning meander, happy to feel good and happy to finish up a solid week of training. And 185 ladyslippers seen! (23.0 miles)

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