One of my goals every year is to enjoy the journey, relish the process, appreciate the little things. I write it down in my running journal, but it goes beyond running. Because after all, the journey, the process, that is where the magic - and the work - happens. It's often hard to remember that in the moment, or at least it is for me. Life, our actions, what works out, what doesn't, isn't always perfect and it never will be. So while I can't say 2019 was perfect, or that I have it all figured out, I can say that 2019 was pretty magical and filled with many little moments, and a few big ones (!!), that were pretty amazing, and for that I am grateful.
On the overall life front, 2019 included two once-in-a-lifetime family adventures - Disney in May and Squaw in June. I got to run - and finish! 💯 - Western States (yes, this falls into both the life and running categories)! Ryan started a new job that he truly enjoys, and he gets to work from home now, which is amazing in a whole lot of ways. We have one pretty cool 10 year old kiddo. Ryan and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. We spent time with family and friends and as much time as we could outside together. There was a lot of joy, and some tears too, but there can't be one without the other, and I wouldn't trade what I have for all the money in the world, although I'd gladly accept some extra. 😉
On the running front, it's hard to say 2019 wasn't a success because, duh, I got to run - and finish! 💯 - Western States! One of my biggest goals for the year - and my running lifetime! Every ultrarunner's dream, and yes, it was pretty damn awesome and so incredibly worth it. A whole lot of miles, energy and work led up to that race, including the most miles I've ever run in a six month period - over 1,225 miles by the time WSer was done. Once the race was over and we were back to reality, it was hard to believe it had happened. I mean, Western States is the race you see in movies. To have run it seemed like a dream.
I got back to running soon after, but let's be honest, the rest of the year could never compare, and I spent a long time refilling the emotional well I had dipped into leading up to and during Western States. I didn't do any racing in the final six months of the year, and while I was still pushing to meet one of my other running goals for the season, hitting 2,000 miles, I didn't have the same fire. And that is OK. You can't burn on high all the time. Instead, I meandered and enjoyed and just ran because it's part of who I am and what I do and I don't feel complete without it. Finally got in a 20-miler in mid-December, six months later, and then spent the last two weeks of the year climbing back out from a stomach bug. Not quite how I was hoping to finish up the year, but it is what it is.
About 10 inches of snow had fallen by the time I headed out this morning for the final run of 2019. A messy, snowy run meandering through the neighborhood to finish up the year with 2,116 miles. (6.0 miles)
Proud of the consistency I've been able to bring to running over the 5 years, and fun to look back and see I ran 1,000 more miles this year than I did the first year of this decade. It seems like ~2,000 is a good number for me, allowing for adequate rest - I only ever run 5x a week and always take a week to two weeks off after big events - but still a decent amount of volume. Looking forward to more miles, smiles, adventures and continuing the consistency in 2020!
Happy New Year everyone!
Running Log Files:
2019 - 2,116.00
2018 - 2,112.00
2017 - 2,002.00
2016 - 1,900.00
2015 - 1,963.60
2014 - 1,702.00
2013 - 1,557.75
2012 - 1,400.00
2011 - 1,375.00
2010 - 1,100.00
2009 - 675.50 *pregnant/Sam born
2008 - 1,112.00
Midd Carnival and Nordic Combined Junior Worlds
23 hours ago