Sunday, October 22, 2023

Bring on the Taper!

Another busy week here. Two evening work meetings for me. Swim. Ryan away Monday through Thursday on a work trip. Last attempt at a bigger mileage week before I start my taper. Trying to keep it all together. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

Monday was a day off from running, which is good, as I had a full day at work, Sam had 4:30 swim and I took my 5:00 meeting in the car in the Y parking lot. πŸ˜‚Hey, whatever works!πŸ˜‰

Tuesday, Sam didn't feel great so we stayed home from swim. I was trying to cram in a fair amount of work but did sneak out for a walk around 4:00, just for a bit of movement. After a dreary start to the day, it was nice to have a bit of sunshine. (1.7 miles walked)

Worked from home on Wednesday, and amazingly had no meetings on the schedule, so was able to sneak out mid-morning for a run on the powerlines. Nice out if a bit humid. (10.0 miles)

Thursday was a swim run! Nice, bright afternoon. Ran roads from the Y, and included a fun loop through the cemetery for something different. Felt decent. (8.0 miles)

I had originally planned to do some sort of adventure run up in Camden or over Ragged on Friday, but honestly I was a bit wiped out, so I decided to just stick closer to home to have more of a chill day. Hit the farmer's market and then parked over at Bowdoin to run out through the Commons, making a loop with some of the Pennelville roads, the edge of Coleman Farm, and Landing trails. Overcast and damp. Haven’t been out in the Commons much recently so happy to get out there but oh boy, legs were very sluggish. (10.0 miles)

I love how the asters look after they've gone to seed. 

The rest of the day was spent grocery shopping, cleaning up the garden beds, planting a few bulbs and getting some things crossed off the to do list before I dropped Sam and Abby off to see the Taylor Swift Era movie at 3:00. They practically had a private showing, with only 3 other people in the theater! They said the two of them danced the whole time 😎😍 They had a sleepover at Abby's, so Ryan and I had a quiet night at home and I went to bed early because I was tired!

Weather was looking rather rainy for the entirety of the weekend, so while I was planning to get in one last 20-miler on Saturday, I decided I would go with multiple loops from home so that I wouldn't have to carry a pack and could change clothes/add a raincoat if needed. In the end, it wasn’t quite as bad as I’d anticipated weather-wise, but it was pretty much 100% humidity anyway even if it wasn't pouring. Mist and drizzle and heaviness. So soggy! 

Did three 6-7 mile ‘loops’, using the house as an aid station. Just carried a mini water bottle in my pocket and had one gel each the second two loops with a big chocolate chip raisin oatmeal cookie eaten in two parts plus salt tabs and propel in between loops back at the house. It worked, but probably really could have done with some additional calories and hydration.

Saw one cute little brown snake on ther powerlines, I think it was likely a Dekay's Brown snake, and rescued an adorable little red eft from the middle of the back road in Highland Green where they are doing a lot of construction. As I was bumbling my way through the construction site to the edge of the woods with him, a guy on a tractor moving materials stopped and looked at me questioningly. So I walked up to him and said, ‘oh I’m just rescuing this little guy. Isn’t he cute?’ Pretty sure he thought I was a bit weird, but he did agree, and told me his wife rescued things like caterpillars all the time

Also, what foliage that is left was really looking lovely against the misty gray sky. (20.0 miles)

The ferns still smell lovely, and I love their fall color 

The rain started in earnest later in the day and kept up all day Sunday. I did not have the umph to get right up and out bright and early into the dreary wetness, so instead I baked some Superhero muffins, roasted some beets for tonight's salad and got some cleaning done, then I finally dragged myself out the door around 10:30, while Ryan headed out to drop Sam at Lauren's for the afternoon. Such a social kiddo!

It was only slightly drizzling when I headed out but I headed to the cart paths as I figured no one would be playing golf in the cool, damp weather. From there, I headed out onto the powerlines, when I got a text from Ryan asking if he could join me. I asked him to tie my raincoat around his waist, as I was getting a bit cold and was pretty wet in just my long sleeve shirt, and then headed back up the powerlines to meet him. We ended up looping back around to run the cart paths, where we ran into one group of guys who were out enjoying themselves on the course in the rain. It was a nice boost to have Ryan with me for the final 5 miles of the run, as I was definitely feeling a bit sluggish! I was soaked by the time we got home, but boom, just like that, a second 60 mile week is in the books, training is done and it is time to taper! (12.0 miles)

Every time I am training for a 100, I wonder if I have done enough, but truly, no training cycle is perfect. I know I did not run as many "longer" runs as might have been ideal, and I only topped out with two 60-miles-on-the-dot weeks, but I am hopeful that all the cumulative mileage I've run this year will allow me to run decently. With today's run, my yearly mileage is at 1,882 so I'll be over 1,900 miles by the time I show up for Rim to River. The reality is that I've done all that I can do, and I will just have to go with what I've got at the race, and have an adventure out there. 😊

Lauren and Sam went into Brunswick for lunch and gelato and some shopping, of course πŸ˜‰ so cute! It is fun to see her getting more independent. 😊

And just for fun, the many iterations of Gigi in her bed this week, and one of her in our bed and using my pillow 😻

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