Sunday, September 24, 2023


Officially fall on the calendar, and finally feeling like it too.

Monday was a long day at work and Tuesday too, with the auditors in the office for our annual financial audit, and honestly just did not have the energy to run. Wednesday, however, I did actually manage to get up and out for an early morning run and caught the sunrise over the Androscoggin as I crossed the connector bridge. Beautiful. A nice morning for a run even if the legs did feel a bit creaky. (7.0 miles)

Thursday was an afternoon run on the powerlines. Lovely to not be soaked in sweat 😜 - yay fall! Nice out. The powerlines have that autumnal smell to them, like drying grass and ripened berries. I don’t quite know how to explain it but I always love it. (8.0 miles)

Friday morning, I headed over to Wolfe's Neck for a run after dropping Sam and school and doing a few errands. Beautiful morning. Legs a bit heavy but being down by the ocean always makes me smile. Asters galore along the roads. (10.0 miles)

Then it was Ryan's turn to get outside - he and Dad went up to the Meadows to play golf! Fun!

It was too nice to stay inside all afternoon so once Sam got home from school, I took a solo walk around the school block. (1.7 miles walked)

We had a quiet weekend with nothing on the calendar. Honestly that was kind of nice, and as I was taking a down week, I was in no rush either weekend day to get out the door. Finally got out on Saturday around 10:30 for a mellow meander on the powerlines. (6.0 miles)

And then after lunch, dragged the rest of the fam out (or at least the kiddo 😉😆) for walk. We headed to Long Reach Preserve and enjoyed the quiet trails. Overcast with very flat light down along the water, but the bog was showing some lovely signs of autumn, with the white cotton sedge highlighted against the red moss in the bog and some of the swamp maples starting to turn. (2.0 miles walked)

Sunday was another lazy morning, with some time spent reading on the couch and enjoying pancakes made by Ryan - yum! I finally headed across the street for some hill repeats on Mt. A. around 10:00. Nothing special, but good to get in a little vert to wrap up the week. (7.0 miles)

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