When I think back over this year, I see a year filled with friends and family and a growing girl who makes us laugh and smile (and exasperates us too). There were many good runs, camping trips and outdoor adventures with Sam, and fun with grandparents and cousins. Life may not be all rainbows and candy but it sure is good.
I also see a year with big change, and chances taken. In May, after 7 years at the gallery, I took a deep breath and jumped. And I couldn't be happier. My work change opened up a whole new world filled with weekends off and the opportunity for flexible scheduling. It truly has been wonderful, and was the right thing to do. Then later in the summer, Ryan changed jobs too. Yes, never a dull moment around here ;)
I also took a deep breath and entered the world of the ultrarunning lottery. I threw my name into the pot for the Stonecat 50. I figured the lottery would take the pressure off of actually having to make the decision myself. Ha! And lo and behold, my name was picked. I was running a 50!
I was a bit intimidated by the training that went into running the 50 and I certainly didn't follow the training plan to a T, but when it came time for the race itself, I felt nervous but ready. I felt steady the whole way and I am still darn proud of how the race went. I definitely had some mediocre races earlier in the year, so the 50 put a big smile on my face and made the year a running success.
I'm hoping to continue the trend of taking chances as we head into 2014. I haven't signed up yet, but I have my sights on the Maine Coast Marathon for the spring. Thinking about another marathon scares me (this pretty much sums it up), but sometimes it's good to step outside your comfort zone. No one ever accomplished much just sitting at home on the couch ;-)
2013 Miles Run - 1557.75
It's unlike me to let the year end on an odd note, but somehow the minutia of mileage slipped away from me this time around. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, or if it's just a symptom of the cut-back I've had these past few months in mileage and in thinking seriously about my running. But regardless, this is the most miles I've run in many years, and hopefully it's a sign of good things to come.
Here's to a 2014 filled with many miles and smiles and much goofiness :-)
Marty Hall
2 days ago