Monday, March 24, 2025


Rain on Monday really knocked back the snow and ice. Went out Tuesday afternoon and decided to run on the cart paths. 98% clear but very squishy. No real signs of spring yet out on the course, but the crocuses are in bloom out front at work!! (6.0 miles)

Worked at home on Wednesday so took advantage of that, and headed out midmorning for a run before lunch. Looped through the Highlands and found some Witch-Hazel in full bloom🤩 Lovely! (6.0 miles)

Thursday, I got in an afternoon walk around the block after work. Dreary and misty. (2.0 miles walked)

Another day of rain on Friday. Kept it to a minimum and ran out and back in Highland Green after dropping Sam at school. Cold driving rain and deep puddles. Lovely 😜(6.0 miles)

Saturday, I got a few things done at home, went to the farmer's market and picked up donuts 🍩 and then drove Sam out to Harpswell to Lauren's for the afternoon to get ready for the school dance. On the way home, I stopped to do my run out through the Commons and Coleman Farm. First time back out to Coleman Farm since last April when I tore my hamstring out there in a fall. Took a while to work back up the courage which is ridiculous but true. Nice afternoon. Saw four bluebirds and a woodcock!!! 🤩🤩 (no photo though). Plus the first little right buds of trailing arbutus and skunk cabbage seen, plus winterberry berries. Windy but pretty afternoon. Just lollygagged along and enjoyed it. (8.0 miles)

Later, we met up with Nate and Shannon for dinner at 555. So fun to see them! It has been way too long!! Cheers!🍸🍷

And Sam and the girls had a great time at the dance, and don't they look cute?! 😍😎

Headed out around 8:30 on Sunday. Nice and bright but way too windy pretty much everywhere in every direction! 💨💨 Two deer, one bluebird, skunk cabbage coming up and a lot of squishy semi frozen ground underfoot. (14.0 miles)

Then later in the afternoon, I joined Ryan for a walk around the block. Still windy! 😆😛 (2.6 miles walked)

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