Monday, January 27, 2025

How Did We Get Here?

This week was a bit rough. Where we are with our country's leadership right now is frankly pretty horrifying and not the best for my mental state.  

Monday was a day off from school and work, and I should have run but I really needed a day to do nothing but lounge on the couch, hide my head in the sand news-wise, make superhero muffins and read my book. It did snow overnight and into the early morning hours meaning it was also easy to procrastinate and then just not go out in the afternoon like I kept telling myself I would 😂🤷‍♀️

And then Tuesday morning was too darn cold, so it was a low energy afternoon run around the Highland Green block. Variable conditions despite the fact that most of the run was on pavement 😂😑(6.0 miles)

Sam had a chorus concert on Tuesday night, which was short and sweet, and the kids sounded great.

Wednesday turned into an afternoon walk around the school block type of day. Chilly. (2.6 miles walked)

Finally managed to get out early on Thursday morning for a run in the cold darkness. Ran mostly in the middle of the road through Highland Green to avoid the ice and snow on the sidewalks - no traffic at 5:30 am!! 😂(6.0 miles)

Friday I had to go into work in the middle of the day for an event, so it was a quick run around town in the morning followed up by a few errands before and after work. Still surprisingly messy, snowy and icy out there. Also still cold 🥶(7.2 miles)

Friday nights at this time of year means swim meet nights! Sam had all her fans on hand, and it was a great evening for her. She hit the state qualifying times for the 200 free and the 500 free 🎉🎉Woohoo, so proud of all her work to make it happen! It is such fun to see her meet her goals and be proud to have accomplished what she did.🤩She got the sweetest call-out from the head coach over the weekend too - we are so grateful for all that the coaches and her teammates have done to encourage her to push to reach her goals. It's a great team 💗

Another cold morning on Saturday. Was supposed to run with Emma but woke up feeling super tired as I went to bed late after Sam’s swim meet and the cats woke me up at 4:00 and my stomach felt not so great so Emma graciously agreed to a rain check. After a quiet morning, I felt a bit better and Ryan was planning to run so we did the big portion of one of my road loops together and I tacked on a bit extra at the end. Warmer than I had thought! (8.0 miles)

Sunday, I could not quite get myself out the door into yet another sub-zero degree dark morning before I headed to Bradbury to volunteer at the non-snowshoe race, so I ended up heading out in the afternoon. Ran a mix of roads, cart paths and some Cathance trails. Ok without spikes but a bit slippy and legs felt tight. Had a longer run planned but got a bit lazy and just kind of felt like this was enough. 🤷‍♀️(8.1 miles)

So not quite the best week for hitting the mileage, but trying to give myself a bit of grace. Hoping for a bit more pep and less existential dread next week. 

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