Monday, September 2, 2024

End of August

It was a bit of a crazy work week coming back after vacation. Monday was a full rest day partly because I needed it after all our walking around Quebec City πŸ˜‚and partly because my work to-do list was just a wee bit long 😜

Tuesday, I headed out for a loop around Highland Green just after 6:00 am. Very foggy and extremely muggy. Ironweed is in bloom in my garden beds out front 😍 (5.2 miles)

Wednesday, I headed out on the powerlines. Pretty morning but so humid. Viburnum berries are beginning to turn blush colored, and I found a nice patch of ladies tresses in my favorite boggy spot along the lines. (5.2 miles)

Got out for a late afternoon walk after work on Thursday. Beatiful afternoon. (2.6 miles walked)

Friday, I headed out early so that I could get a bit of work done along with my regular Friday errands before Sam and I headed down to the mall for some back-to-school shopping. Ran the cart paths, which I have not run in a while, and found that they have replaced the old bog bridges along the bottom of the Heath with a nice wide bridge. Very nice. (5.1 miles)

Sam and I stopped for lunch at Big Fin Poke for some delicious poke bowls to fuel up for our shopping trip πŸ˜‚ Despite finding some very baggy fashions that clearly do not fit a small petite female, Sam came home with a good haul and we were tired out after 3 hours of walking the mall!

And these were XS! 😝

Meanwhile, Ryan was off playing golf with Dad and Rick. I think they were having fun πŸ˜‰

Saturday morning, I did a road run around the block. Grateful to be back and feeling good enough to have gotten in 4 runs this week. Still being conservative though, and will continue to build back slowly. (5.4 miles)

Then after lunch, we picked up Mom and Dad and headed down to Harpswell for a walk down to the ocean through the fields and woods at Curtis Farm Preserve. Nice afternoon but still a bit muggy. (2.0 miles walked)

Sunday, I got back to my excercises and then headed out around the block for a longish walk. Muggy. (3.0 miles walked)

Hard to believe that this week wrapped up August and that school starts up next week!

And with that, here's the August wrap-up.

70.72 run miles 
53.2 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

970.72 run miles
214.20 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

With all the walking I've been doing while I haven't been running, I've already hit the 200 miles I had set for a walking goal this year. Of course, that means I am highly likely to not reach the 2,000 miles run goal I had set for this year. Oh well. Can't get it all the time!

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