Tuesday, March 26, 2024
March Storm
Monday, March 18, 2024
Monday night was the Mt. Ararat Winter Sports Awards evening. It was nice to see all the kids recognized, but man, the majority of the coaches could have tightened their speeches up a while lot. Aie.
Rain started overnight and through lunchtime on Friday. I had to do some work anyway, so sat at the computer for a few hours, got a few errands done and then after lunch and a bit of sitting on the couch, I finally pulled myself up and got out the door around 2:00 pm. Ran down to the river and back. Soggy, misty, damp, dreary. Water water everywhere. (7.0 miles)
Sunday, March 10, 2024
This week was the last week of swim practice. What are we going to do with all our free time next week?!
Monday was a beautiful day but I had a full day at work with meeting upon meeting, so while it would have been nice to take advantage of the weather, alas, I did not manage to make it happen.
Tuesday, I did not get out for a morning run and while I technically had time during afternoon swim practice, it was cold, rainy and windy. I settled for a walk around the indoor track and getting more work done instead. (2.1 miles walked)
Wednesday, I was working from home so after dropping Sam off for late start, I headed across the street and ran the cart paths. Soft and squishy ground underfoot and very damp out overall. (6.0 miles)
Then later in the evening after swim practice, we headed down to Harpswell for the end of the season swim dinner. It was so nice to have all the kids be personally recognized not only for their accomplishments in the pool, but as people too. The coaches and the entire team are truly the best, and we are so glad that Sam was a part of the team this year! It truly has been a great experience.💖
I was really wishing I had run on Monday or Tuesday when I woke up to yet another cold, windy, rainy day on Thursday. Sigh. Had a late afternoon meeting, so took a little extra time in the morning after dropping Sam at school and squeezed in an out and back on the pavement of Highland Green Road. There was nothing good about the weather. 💨🌧️☔️ Blergh. Did see an eagle soaring overhead though. (6.0 miles)