Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Day Fun

Happy New Year!

Started off the day with a slippy, sloppy, snowy, slick, 'oh sh*t, I'm sliding! Stop that!' pavement run through Highland Green and town. Lots of thin ice, loose snow and messy sidewalks, but beautiful morning with bright blue skies and warm sunshine. Good way to kick off 2020! (10.0 miles)

Later, after lunch, the three of us headed over to the Bowdoin fields for some time on our xc skis. There was a thin ribbon of packed snow all around the field loop, although it was not tracked for skiing so it was a bit uneven and slow going for Sam, who is still learning to balance and glide on her skis. Still, she did great, and it was so nice to get out! (1.07 miles xc skiied)

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