The week started off well enough and I was feeling good about training, and then on Saturday in the midst of my long run, I tripped, then slipped and fell somehow with my left leg outstretched and my hamstring and glute were very unhappy with how I landed. I ended up walking back out to the road. Sigh. So, not ideal. Hopefully with a few days rest, I'll be back at it, but it is not how I was hoping the week would go!
Got in an afternoon walk around the school block with Ryan on Monday. Breezy! (1.7 miles walked)
Wednesday, I headed out a little after 6:00 am for a run on the powerlines. Caught the tail end of the sunrise at the start and then it was spitting rain by the end. (7.0 miles)
Thursday, I hit the roads at 5:30 and the sun was just rising above the treeline when I crossed the Androscoggin. Bright, cold and breezy, with ice atop the puddles from Wednesday's rain. (7.0 miles)
Friday morning, I got my errands done around town and then headed out down to the river around 10:15. A mellow, mid-morning meander with salamander eggs in the quarry pool and bright sunshine. (6.6 miles)

Got my hair cut in the afternoon, so for Saturday's morning it was back to pigtails! Headed out from the field house at 7:30 and loope up through Crystal Spring Farm, out across the blueberry fields and into the extended Commons before running to Pennelville and into Coleman Farm. All was going swimmingly and I was feeling good, until I fell and that put an abrupt end to the run. I was really hoping to get in 20 miles and was feeling positive about the training but oh well. I guess I am not quite as graceful as I once was and I know I have been lucky to not have any injuries happen on the run before aside from a few scrapes and scratches. But still, feeling a bit sad and frustrated. Hoping the hamstring and glute recover quickly with a few days rest. Nice morning with bright sunshine, and the woods greening up, although didn't see too much in terms of flora except for several patches of trailing arbutus in the extended Commons and then out in Coleman Farm where the daffodils along the pond are all open, and the trout lilies and wood anemone are starting to bloom. (12.5 miles)
Starflower plant emerging but no flowers yet