Somehow the week has flown by again, and I know we had some weird weather and it was busy but I really need to take better notes apparently 😂 Kendra and Michael joined Ryan out in CO over the weekend for some skiing fun on Sunday and Monday together after Ryan's conference and client work was done, and it looks like they had a blast!
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
This has already felt like a very long month, even though we are only partway through! Aie.
Monday was a holiday day from school and work, although I did end up working the majority of the morning to play some catch up, as there are a lot of deadlines this month. Finally headed out for a run around 1:00. I decided I would run the cart paths, and although there was a fair amount of tiptoeing around the ice flows that had developed everywhere after all the rain and snowmelt, it was still nice to be on trails. Bright and breezy out. (6.0 miles)
Right before dinner, Ryan headed south to Boston as his flight out in the morning was early, and then later I took Sam to Mt. A swim practice.
Snow was forecast for Tuesday and all schools ended up having an early release, but Sam already had a planned half day, as it was midterm week and the schedule was set so that there were two exam periods every morning and then early release at 11:00 (12:00 on Wednesday), with afternoons reserved for make-up work. I totally get that it was a good schedule for the kids, but honestly, kind of a pain, as it meant my mornings at work were a big rush to get things done in the three hours I was in the office before heading home. Yes, I know she could have walked home but with the snow on Tuesday and then variable sidewalk conditions and cold weather the rest of the week, picking her up seemed the best option.
Neither of us were sad when both school and Y practice was cancelled on Tuesday as the snow started to fall more heavily mid-afternoon, and then my 5:00 meeting was cancelled too. Hurray. It meant a slightly more leisurely start to the week and for that I was grateful!
With the snow, I ended up not running on Wednesday morning before sunrise, and then the rest of the day was just a mess of meetings that didn't give me enough time for anything more than a short walk around the school block around 2:40 before my 4:00 meeting. Mom nicely took Sam to Y swim, and then the two of us headed to Bowdoin later for school swim. (1.74 miles walked)
Monday, January 15, 2024
Snow, Rain and Isolation
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Happy New Year?? 😷😷
Well, we started the new year off with a bang.... been a bit of a rough week here, to say the least...
With Sam at Lauren's and Ryan still sleeping, I headed out first thing on Monday morning, January 1st, to get some errands done, and then headed over to Brad to meet up with Val and Anne for a run. It was fun to ring in the new year with a run with friends and, as always, so good to catch up! We ran the east side, as the lot was pretty full when we arrived at 10:30, with lots of people apparently taking advantage of the holiday and the decent weather to get out and walk their dogs and take the kids on a hike and/or to the playground. We only saw one other person on the east side. A bit of tiptoeing here and there due to ice, but trails were in reasonably good shape, although it was weird to be running on bare ground on January 1! No pictures because we were too busy chatting 😂(6.0 miles)