Friday, August 30, 2019

Cramming It In

We're cramming in as much as we can these last few days of summer. But first, we had to catch up on our sleep after a fun weekend at Wolfe's Neck! We were all exhausted 😂😴

So no running with me on Tuesday but out onto the cart paths for a misty sunrise run on Wednesday morning. Saw four deer bounding down the fairway and enjoyed some sweet blackberries along the powerlines. Took the long way home along Canam and past the new high school, which is coming along nicely! (7.0 miles)

While I was at work during the day, Sam and Ryan headed down to Salt Pump Climbing for a morning of rock and boulder walls, and then out to lunch. What fun!

Yesterday, I was off with Sam. Gotta say, a two day work week is pretty sweet! 😂😉 I got up and out around 6:30 am for a random road and trail meander. Started off on Highland Green, ran a bit on the powerlines which were quite wet from all the rain overnight and then finished up with a trip up and over Mt. A. and back along the trails and road by the middle school. (7.0 miles)

I just love the rich colors of these berries

Sam and I didn't manage to do anything quite as exotic as rock climbing, but we did get out for a girl's morning complete with a haircut and lunch at Ricetta's, where we ordered cannolis for dessert of course! Yum! 😋

Then it was off to do a few errands, get packed up for Acadia and head to school for the ice cream social/classroom meet and greet. Hard to believe school starts on Tuesday. Time really does just fly! We finished up the day with dinner at SeaDog with Anne, Thistle, Phil and Kristen. Always fun!

This morning, I got out for a run before the rest of the house woke up. I haven't been running out in the Cathance as the deer flies have been horrid, but with the cooler air, they have finally abated, and it was lovely to run on the trails again! Nice mist rising and cotton sedge blanketing the Heath, cardinal flower still blooming along the river and a tiny little red eft to move off the pavement💗 (6.0 miles)

So tiny 

And now it is off to get the car packed up for the final camping trip of the summer!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Wolfe's Neck Weekend

According to Facebook this is the 6th annual Wolfe's Neck weekend with our college friends.

We missed Matt and Annalee, who were getting married (Congrats!! 🎉💖🎉) and Vicky, Michael,Tony, Laurie, Chris and of course, Maya, who were all attending the wedding (yay weddings!!) as well as Kendra, who hurt her back (boo! feel better! 😔) and Lucy, who was working and recovering after a two week vacation with her extended family, but it was still an amazing weekend and always so great to get together with old friends.

The kids had a blast together, there was lots of dog walking with Bodhi, Neal and Kendra's new rescue dog, there were walks around the farm and down to the water, there were monarch caterpillars and hay baling to be seen, there was coffee at the water's edge, time spent on the beach playing and even swimming (thanks, Doug!), glorious sunsets, fires, s'mores and sparklers, running, and most of all, time spent with the best of friends laughing, chatting, and just plain enjoying each other's company. It is always a highlight of the summer and so much fun. Thanks everyone!

I'll let the photos do the talking...

Sam & Bodhi at the beach

Coffee with a view 💗

Kids at the beach

Walking out to the island at low tide

Farm vista

Taking a walk around the farm (2.4 miles)

Blue beads

Monarchs 💗🐛💗

Bees on the thistle 🐝🌸

Visited the cows at the dairy barn


Chickens at the farm


A heart for Ann 💓

Sun setting

Fun with sparklers

These kids 💜💜

Yup, she's wearing a winter hat 😂 with cat ears on it 😍

Eagle in the pine tree!! 

Swimming out to the island at high tide

Thanks, Uncle Doug! None of the rest of us adults wanted to swim in the cold ocean water. Thanks for being such a good sport! 💗💗

More swimming!

Sam and Charlotte

My little fish. Last to get out of the water 💗🐠

Sunset 😍


Sun setting over the hay fields

Glorious sky

Fun by the fire

Of course, the only photo of the adults was this one... 😂😂 Sent to Michael and the others at the wedding with much love and laughter. Hey, they started it! But seriously, this pretty much sums us up in a nutshell! 😄😜😆😂

The weekend wasn't as centered around running as it typically is, with most of the running crew away at the wedding, but I couldn't miss out on a few explorations of one of my favorite local places. Emily drove over and met up with me for a run on Sunday morning and we toured around Wolfe's Neck while she regaled me with stories of her weekend out in Bend with the Picky Club. Sounded awesome, and great to catch up! 😎 (7.3 miles)

And then this morning, I was up and going before anyone else in camp was out of bed for a cool and quiet run up into the park again for one last lollypop loop before we packed up and headed home. Love the ocean views and the osprey calling 😍 Definitely a bit stiff after a weekend of camping, sleeping in a tent and getting up on a cold morning and running without any sort of warm up or stretching or anything, but worth it, regardless. Great way to wrap up a really fun weekend! (6.1 miles)

Always knew there was a 2nd Osprey nest in the park, but didn't ever see it until today! The chirping gave it away! 💗