So no running with me on Tuesday but out onto the cart paths for a misty sunrise run on Wednesday morning. Saw four deer bounding down the fairway and enjoyed some sweet blackberries along the powerlines. Took the long way home along Canam and past the new high school, which is coming along nicely! (7.0 miles)
While I was at work during the day, Sam and Ryan headed down to Salt Pump Climbing for a morning of rock and boulder walls, and then out to lunch. What fun!
Yesterday, I was off with Sam. Gotta say, a two day work week is pretty sweet! 😂😉 I got up and out around 6:30 am for a random road and trail meander. Started off on Highland Green, ran a bit on the powerlines which were quite wet from all the rain overnight and then finished up with a trip up and over Mt. A. and back along the trails and road by the middle school. (7.0 miles)
I just love the rich colors of these berries
Sam and I didn't manage to do anything quite as exotic as rock climbing, but we did get out for a girl's morning complete with a haircut and lunch at Ricetta's, where we ordered cannolis for dessert of course! Yum! 😋
Then it was off to do a few errands, get packed up for Acadia and head to school for the ice cream social/classroom meet and greet. Hard to believe school starts on Tuesday. Time really does just fly! We finished up the day with dinner at SeaDog with Anne, Thistle, Phil and Kristen. Always fun!
This morning, I got out for a run before the rest of the house woke up. I haven't been running out in the Cathance as the deer flies have been horrid, but with the cooler air, they have finally abated, and it was lovely to run on the trails again! Nice mist rising and cotton sedge blanketing the Heath, cardinal flower still blooming along the river and a tiny little red eft to move off the pavement💗 (6.0 miles)
So tiny
And now it is off to get the car packed up for the final camping trip of the summer!