May 30, 2005 | Day 64 | Miles: 11.9 | Total Miles: 781.7
End: Punchbowl Shelter, Tent
Sunny and warm
After a nice stroll along the James River for 1.5m, we met Aaron and Neha across the footbridge and they took us into Glasgow for our resupply. We did laundry, got great biscuit sandwiches, got groceries for the next 5 days and then got a quick ride out with Beantown, who was getting a ride with this guy named Del. He calls himself an official trail angel, who basically drives people around and helps them out. He's a talker and a bit crazy, I'd say, but very friendly. We got back on the trail about 12:45 and did another 10m to Punchbowl. Neat shelter with a pond and a grassy area. We camped by the pond, which was quite nice but noisy. The bull frogs and peepers are making a racket!
sunny, hot, evening/right now rain
thanks once again to aaron and neha. they picked us up at the trailhead this morning and brought us into town. a guaranteed ride into town is the best. (especially, since it would have been a less than fun 6 mile walk.) so, if you're ever in glasgow, virginia...actually, you don't ever need to go to glasgow, virginia. don't get me wrong, the laundromat, convenient store and grocery store were fine, but there's nothing else there. (except the car wash, but we didn't need to stop there.) the best part of the day was our ride back to the trail...from del. del is a self-appointed, self-described "trail angel." he has business cards. the business cards list his title as "trail angel." basically, del drives around central virginia picking up and dropping off hikers. del was in town, and del gave us a ride. del has been doing this since '97, and if you needed enough rides, i'm certain you would hear all about each person he has shuttled or met. here's a new definition of irony: del said to us, "that fella i just dropped off, he will talk your ear off. he didn't know when to shut up." for the record, punchbowl shelter does not offer any punch. spiked or unspiked.
today song's - that song by wilco that was on in aaron's car...can never remember the name.
May 31, 2005 | Day 65 | Miles: 14.7 | Total Miles: 796.4
End: Cow Camp Gap Shelter
Rain in the early am, clearing later
It was raining in the morning so we didn't get an early start, but finally got out about 9:30am. It was a mellow 9m to the first shelter of the day and the sun came out so we were able to dry the tent fly, which was a plus. Then a climb up to Cow Camp. The shelter was a bit off the trail so I don't think it's a popular spot, and tonight it's a quiet one too. Just us and Doc Gnarly. He's a funny older guy who hiked the trail last year. He is pretty quiet unless he decides you're OK and then he tells tons of AT stories. Looks a bit rough but a sweet man.
mostly cloudy, few sunny breaks, more humid than you can imagine
it poured last night, so we carried a wet tent. that's no fun. it also felt like we were hiking underwater today. so humid. just gross. it's a little cooler tonight, so maybe the weather is changing. we're in the shelter tonight with doc narley. if you saw him coming down the sidewalk, you'd cross to the other side of the street. he's one of the nicest people we've met out here. he hiked the trail last year, and he's back for more. he's definitely lived a tough life, but he's a good soul. he smokes. actually, a lot of people out here smoke. if you want to quit smoking do not hike the at. a lot of people smoke. doesn't seem to really mesh with the whole outdoorsy thing, but people are puffing away. it's a bit odd. i can barely make it up some of the hills, and i don't smoke. one guy said to us, "i was having trouble with that climb, but i stopped and had a butt and finished it." huh? anyway, we're hitting town in a couple days, so danielle can pick up a pack of camels.
June 1, 2005 | Day 66 | Miles: 17.1 | Total Miles: 813.5
End: The Priest Shelter
Cool, windy and partly sunny
A decent mileage day :-) We've been taking it a bit slow through this section as we had made reservations in Waynesboro for the 4th. Now that we're out hiking of course we realize that we could be there on the 3rd. Ryan is feeling a bit constrained by the "schedule" at the moment and it's kind of funny to talk about our miles with other hikers who we doing big VA miles. Oh well. It will all work out.
It was a nice hike today, up over Cold Mountain Bald with nice, but hazy morning views. Plus lots of fragrant pink azaleas. Very nice.
am haze, then clearing and breezy, evening dark, black, nasty clouds
everything was wet this morning. it didn't rain. it was so humid that everything that was wet stayed soggy and everything that was dry become soggy. yuk. but, a breeze picked up shortly into the day, which helped to dry things out. we climbed cold mountain today. it was another bald...very nice. we're not sure if it is the cold mountain of book/movie fame, but i'm certain that jude law is still dreamy.
today's song - shilo, neil diamond...many thanks to beantown for putting this gem in my head