Sunday, July 28, 2024

Late July

Monday morning, everyone was up early at the rental house and we headed out around 8:30. But not before we stopped at Teago County Store for another breakfast sandwich! Yum! There was a reasonable amount of traffic en route back to Maine, including a large oversized something or other that was taking up both lanes for a long period of time, which was painful, but we made it back to Portland, got everything up to Emily's apartment and then headed to Mom and Dad's house. We arrived in time for a few pieces of leftover Nomad pizza for lunch and spent a short time catching up before the final few miles home. 

After some laundry and general organization, I headed out for a walk around 3:00, just to get in a bit of movement after the drive. (2.6 miles walked)

Tuesday, Ryan and I got in a quick walk around the block before dinner. While the radar did not agree, we definitely got rained on 😂 (1.7 miles walked)

Wednesday, after I got home from work, Sam and I went out for a walk around the block. Always good to get in a walk and talk with the kiddo 😍, and it was good to get her out of her room! (1.8 miles walked)

Thursday was a long day at the office and I was wiped, so it became a zero day.

Friday, before heading out for my typical errands, I headed across the street for a walk. Nice morning and the blackberries are getting ripe along the powerlines. Also cotton sedge and steeplebush in bloom. (3.0 miles walked)

Saturday was a beautiful day and I headed out around 7:00 for a walk. Walked further down on the powerlines before I looped up and around, and enjoyed multiple blackberry stops. Yum! (4.0 miles walked)

Then after a bit of house cleaning, some relaxation and lunch, we picked up Rohan and headed down to Harpswell to the Point for the afternoon. Always a lovely time with Kristen, Phil, Dennis, Anne, Thistle and whoever else is there enjoying the day. It was the perfect afternoon too - just such nice temps, no humidity - ahhh! And of course, the girls (and all the kids!) had a blast in the pool!

We stayed for dinner on the deck, more swimming and dessert before watching the sunset, and then we left the girls there for a sleepover and headed home. A fun day!

This morning, I headed out for a walk and Ryan headed over to Brad for his long run. Another beautiful morning and more blackberries to pick! (3.0 miles walked)

On the hamstring side, things are feeling decent and it's been nice to get in a bit more distance in my walks. I did get to the sports medicine doctor, but essentially I really just have to let it heal, not much else to do. I did schedule a few PT appointments but they are busy, so those aren't until mid-August. In the meantime, I'm doing excercises to strengthen the hamstring and am just keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to get going again soon. 

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