Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Beach to Mountains

Started off the week with a misty late afternoon walk around the school block with Ryan and Sam before dinner. (2.0 miles walked)

Tuesday was a solo walk after getting home from work. Muggy. (2.6 miles walked)

Wednesday, I got out early for a run/walk across the street. Mostly walking but 10 sets of 0.1 mile run mixed in. Being very conservative here... (3.0 miles run)

Took the day off on Thursday and started out with a walk on the powerlines and up and over Mt. A. Very humid. And should have brought a bag or container - so many blackberries! (2.4 miles walked)

Then it was off to get some of my errands done and onto a massage with Lauren. It was great to catch up with her and hopefully the massage loosens things up too. Ryan headed over to New Hampshire late in the afternoon and Sam and I headed to Smitty's to watch Despicable Me 4 and then came home and supermarket sushi for dinner 😊 The movie was cute and it is always fun to have some time with the kiddo 💗

Friday morning, I headed across the street for another run/walk. This time more running than walking. Leg feels decent, a bit of tightness but no pain. Fingers crossed. Humid. (3.1 miles)

After a quick trip to the farmer's market, it was off to the vet with the cats. Gigi was most displeased 😹

Then we picked up Kylee and headed to the beach! First beach trip of the season, and always nice to get up to Reid. We walked up to the tidal river, where the girls got into the water and floated with the currents out to the open ocean. I stuck to the water's edge 😉 Beautiful afternoon for a few hours on the sand and along the water, and a nice breeze to keep the bugs away. (1.3 miles walked)

Sam had a sleepover at Kylee's after our afternoon at the beach, and Ryan got home late, so the house was quiet on Saturday morning. I got out midmorning for a walk up and over Mt A. Insanely humid, and so many delicious blackberries. (2.9 miles walked)

Although the weather was looking a bit unsettled, we got ourselves ready to head out for a hike on Sunday morning. I had chosen Burnt Meadow Mountain over in Brownfield as we had not hiked it before, it looked like a nice loop and it wasn't too long of a hike for what was really our first true hike of the season. It was raining on and off when I woke up but the radar was showing things clearing late morning, so we set out around 8:00 after a stop at Dunkin for breakfast for Sam. Of course, once we hit the highway, it started to pour like crazy, and there was just an insane amount of water on the road, with driving being less than ideal, and then we had to stop because the low tire pressure light came on, so that was fun 😜 Ryan was not pleased with me 😬 

Rain stopped by the time we got to the trailhead but it was insanely gooey and humid without a lot of air movement. I enjoyed myself but the other two were not having as much fun. 🤷‍♀️ Lots of mushrooms, multiple baby toads and a lot of bear poop. Only a few blueberries still on the bushes, but I think it would have been good picking earlier. I thought it was a nice rugged little loop, and it was good to get out in the woods for a few hours. Even better, the butt/hamstring was not an issue. Hurray. (3.7 mile walked)

Luna moth caterpillar - very neon green!

Very large centipede!

How they really felt about me dragging them out on this hike 😂😂

And since July is now done, here's the wrap-up for the month:

8.5 run miles (AIE!)
59.25 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

900.00 run miles
160.99 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

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