Sunday, August 18, 2024

New Hampshire Fun

This weekend was our annual Bowdoin reunion weekend. We shifted from camping at Wolfe's Neck to Neal and Kendra's house on Chalk Pond in 2021, and it is always just such a great weekend of catching up with friends, laughing, eating and drinking, chilling, running and enjoying time together. 

It was a busy few days leading up to the trip with a lot of work to be done, a trip to Freeport with Neenie for Sam, and a PT visit and continuing to work on building back up to running for me. Oh yes, and a trip to the optometrist for Sam as the stye that she's had for almost 2 weeks was just getting worse. Oh, the joys!

Monday morning, I got out the door around 6:30 am and looped through Highland Green, running the back dirt road for the first time in a long time. Nice morning with one deer seen, and 6x 0.6 mile run/0.1 mile walk. (4.2 miles)

Tuesday afternoon, the three of us got out for an afternoon walk together. Warm. (2.3 miles walked)

Wednesday morning, I headed out around 6:15 am for a slightly longer Highland Green loop. Very hazy skies with the sun a low orange orb in the sky, apparently due to the wildfires up in Canada, and muggy. 6x 0.75 mile run/0.1 mile walk. (5.2 miles) 

Had my PT appointment in the afternoon, and nothing is seriously off, but a few imbalances that need to be corrected and a few stretches and strengthening exercises prescribed. No real constraints put on any sort of movement except that it should not hurt, so I feel positive about things, although still plan to be conservative as I really don't want to have to redo this phase again!

Sam went to Freeport with Neenie for pizza and some shopping, followed up by a quick walk down to the shore at Wolfes Neck, while I crossed things off on my to do list after my PT appointment. I think she probably had the more fun afternoon 😂😉😊

Ryan headed over to NH late in the afternoon, and then on Thursday, after getting up early to cook some things up and get organized for the weekend, plus getting some work done, I had a massage with Lauren right after lunch and then Sam and I headed south to pick up Lauren in Old Orchard Beach.

We arrived just in time for the evening dog walk around the pond, which involved a whole lot of stopping on my part to rescue all the red efts that were out on the pavement, including the smallest one I've seen yet! So cute 😍 (1.2 miles walked)

So tiny! 

Then it was pretty much right into the hot tub for the girls 😂😂

Friday morning, Ryan and I headed out for a run around 8:00 am. We ran to the Sunset Hill trailhead plus a bit on the flat start of the trail (1.2 miles total or so), hiked up, hiked/ran down, and then ran back. Very heavy out, and many red efts plus various mushrooms seen. No one on the trail but a lot of people getting in their runs/walks on Chalk Pond Road. Leg felt good. (4.0 miles)

Another baby!

Fun to get in a run with this guy!💕

Then while Neal, Kendra and Ryan went golfing with Peyron, there was a lot of relaxing, dog petting, some reading, and catching up with Vicky for me, while the girls got in a short run/walk around the pond and had fun in the hot tub and on the water on the paddleboards and in the floats. A nice relaxing afternoon!

Bumblebee on the pepperbush



People arrived throughout the evening and we had fun eating, drinking, chatting and laughing late into the evening.

It was a foggy start to the morning on Saturday. Vicky, Laurie and I headed out around 9:15 am. We ran around the pond, up through Stony Brook on the trails, connected to Baker Hill Road and then cut through on the muddy ATV trail back to Chalk Pond Road. Yay for running with friends 😊❤️ So good to catch up with Vicky and Laurie! Misty, humid, cool. Many red efts. Walked a bit but mostly runnning. Felt decent. (5.2 miles)

We got out for a dog walk around the pond with the girls, Neal, Ryan, Nate and Laurie before spending the rest of the day on the deck, chilling out and chatting. (1.2 miles walked)

We were all pretty wiped out by this morning, but it was a great weekend with friends! 💗💗

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