Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fair and Beach Fun

Well, not for me, but for Sam 😂😂

Monday was a zero day, and then on Tuesday, I headed out at 6:00 am on a drizzly, humid and overcast morning for a run/walk intervals for a total of 3 miles run and 1 mile walk. Felt decent. (4.10 miles run)

Later in the afternoon, I dropped Sam, Rohan and Lauren off at the Topsham Fair for a few hours for some fair fun.

Wednesday, Sam and I got out for a nice late afternoon walk around the block. When we got back home, we all did the circuit that Sam's swim coach prescribed - definitely got in my core/weight work for the day! (2.08 miles walked)

Thursday, Ryan and I got out for an after dinner walk with Ryan. Beautiful evening. (2.92 miles walked)

Friday morning, I got out for another run/walk on a rainy morning with 8x 0.4 miles run/0.1 mile walk. (4.22 miles)

Then after some chores and some work, and at 3:00 pm, Ryan and I sat on the couch for 6 hours to get caught up on Olympic track and field 😂😂

Saturday, it was rainy in the morning so I waited to get out for a walk until after the rain stopped, by which time it had turned toasty and very heavy. Thankfully I was only walking! Still got quite sweaty. Then Sam and I did her swim circuit when I got back. (3.09 miles walked)

Then it was back to the fair for Sam!

Sunday, I headed out for another run/walk, this time with 6 x 0.6 mile run/0.1 mile walk before we headed to Bradbury to volunteer at the Breaker. It's nice to be able to move a bit faster again, but still trying to be pretty conservative. (4.3 miles)

And while we were at Bradbury helping at the finish line, cheering on runners and catching up with friends, Sam joined Lauren and family at Sebago Lake for a beach day! 🌞

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