Sunday, July 7, 2024

Skunks, Dismay and a Change of Plans

OK, let's get the dismay and the change of plans out of the way.

I was feeling pretty down this week with a definitely meltdown and a lot of frustration. I am sad without my running. Walking and hiking are all well and good, of course, and get me outside, but they are just not the same. Anyway, I cried it out for a bit and have moved on to acceptance. I've deferred my entry to Twisted Branch to 2025, and we'll cancel our airbnbs and shift it all to next year. And we'll come up with something else to do for a trip at the end of August. Honestly, this is the best for everyone and I know I'll be fine, just need a bit of time to sort this hamstring/glute thing out.

So, onto the skunks! I know, I know, a lot of people don't like skunks, or groundhogs, or raccoons, or fox, all of which I love seeing out back. It's their world too, and I am happy to share it with them. Especially when momma skunk brings her FIVE babies for a visit on Monday evening! OMG, so cute 😍😍

Had hoped to do a run on Tuesday morning but the hamstring was still irritated. I did throw in a few slow running bursts but it was obvious I needed to keep it chill for a bit here. Frustrated and annoyed and trying to have patience, which is truly not a strength of mine. 😫πŸ€ͺ😬(2.6 miles walked)

Walked on Wednesday again after work. Warm and breezy. Hamstring still feeling cranky, but glad to be out moving. (2.0 miles walked)

A day off on Thursday for 4th of July. Dad and Ryan played golf in the morning, and after doing the grocery shopping (truly 7:00 am on a holiday is the best time to shop. So quiet!) and a few things around the house, I went out for another walk. Walked on the powerlines for the first mile, then a mix of run/walk for the rest. The interesting thing is that it is not really pain but more like the left glute/hamstring is tight and not to full strength. Working on exercises, and have made an appointment to see a sports doctor, which is not happening soon enough but at least it is on the calendar. Meadowsweet is in bloom along the powerlines. (3.0 miles walked)

Then mid-afternoon, we headed down to Harpswell with Mom and Dad for an early dinner at Erica's. It was a beautiful afternoon, cooler along the coast, with pretty views out onto the water and the food was delish! Topped off the fried food with ice cream at Fielder's Choice. Yum! 

Did a mix of work, errands and chores around the house before lunch on Friday, and then headed out in the hottest part of the day for a walk around 2:00 πŸ˜†πŸ˜œToasty but at least there was a breeze. (2.0 miles walked)

Saturday, Ryan and I headed down to the Bowdoin Coastal Studies Center for a walk mid-morning. Foggy and muggy, but nice to get out in the woods with Ryan. Definitely a cool piece of property. One deer, one cool slug, a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers and one polyphemus moth seen, along with some black ducks out on the water. Hamstring felt good. (3.0 miles walked)

Then we headed into town for lunch at Maiz. YUM! So good. 

This morning, I met up with Emma for a walk at Brad. We were originally going to meet at Pineland, but Ian was bringing Iona over to run the Scuffle as part of the group run later in the morning, so Bradbury worked best for them. I wasn't really in the mood to see runner friends who I know would ask about running and racing, but I am glad I didn't cancel (which I did ponder briefly). It was so good to catch up with Emma and it is always nice to walk and talk with a good friend πŸ’—Also, it was good to have a chance to chat with Craig and PT, who I saw in the parking lot. And even better, Ryan got in a great long run with the group. It is perhaps apt that he is now dealing with me doing the moaning and groaning over an injury and he is feeling great πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œBut seriously, while I would like to not be dealing with this, I am incredibly happy that he seems to be on the right track and is feeling good with his running! And hopefully I'll be back there soon too.

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