Monday, July 1, 2024

End of June

Finished off the month not quite the way I had hoped running-wise. Hamstring really has been feeling OK, but this week it's been a bit off and Saturday's run irritated it enough that the final few miles involved a lot of walking and hurt enough on Sunday that I walked instead. Sigh. Not the first six months of the year I had hoped for, but what can you do? I'm trying my best not to be too frustrated (although Ryan might say otherwise) and know I've been incredibly lucky to have gone so long without suffering a silly injury like this one. Hoping I can get back in the swing of things quickly.

Monday was a rest day, and Tuesday I headed out for an easy road loop. Nice morning - cool, bright and humid. Milkweed is in bloom! (6.0 miles)

Wednesday was an early morning run on the powerlines. Warm and muggy, but the blueberries are ripening! (7.0 miles)

Rose twisted stalk is everywhere

Love the hayscented ferns 
Thursday was a morning walk during the last swim practice of the season. Warm. (2.2 miles walked)

Friday, I headed out early for a road run, looping across the river into Brunswick. Crown vetch everywhere. Nice, bright morning and low humidity too - hurray! (7.0 miles)

Neal came into town for a visit Friday night, and Mom and Dad came over to join us for dinner. So much sushi! Yum!

Saturday morning, I headed out for a run and Ryan and Neal headed off to play golf. I was planning on my first 20 miler of the training cycle. Ran out into the Cathance and enjoyed all the blooming partridge berry on the forest floor.

Then it was out onto the powelines, where the hamstring started to twinge a bit around 13 miles. Not quite sure why, as it really had been feeling decent. It got cranky enough that the final few miles turned into a lot of walking and a little running. Ugh. Not what I had hoped for. Nice, cool, breezy morning to be out though, which was nice, but can't say I was a super happy camper. (16.0 miles)

Sunday, I got up and headed out for a run, which turned after a few steps into a walk. The hamstring was not happy. Realized I was going to have to make some adjustments, and texted with Emily letting her know she should see if Ian was still game for pacing, which he had previously offered. He and Ryan can split the miles and I'll be crew person extraordaire for the weekend. Not what I was hoping for, but it was too stressful thinking I needed to be ready. I have until August 1 to make a decision about Twisted Branch, so we will see what the next month brings on that front. Sigh. (2.0 miles walked)

Then after a bit of final packing and an early lunch, it was off to Y Camp for camp drop-off! Sam, Anne and Rohan are all in the same cabin - these girls are going to have so much fun these next few weeks! 😍😍

And because it is the end of yet another month, here is the June wrap-up:

June Miles:

184.95 run miles 
17.12 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

891.5 run miles
101.4 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

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