Sunday, June 23, 2024

Heat & Humidity

I don't mind the heat of summer, but the 90s we had mid-week this week was just too much! I don't want Florida temps here, people! And truly, I could do without the humidity too. Whew! It's been heavy this week!!😉😎

Ran Highland Green on Tuesday morning at 5:45 am. One deer and way too many deer flies seen. (6.0 miles)

Wednesday morning was a warm and humid run on the powerlines. Temps went up about 10 degrees while I was out there, and I started at 6:20 am. Whew! So sweaty. Air smelled so good though - hay scented ferns and blackberry brambles. Oh yes and a lot of deer flies. (7.2 miles)

Rose Pogonias are in bloom 😍😍

After dinner, I joined Ryan for a walk around the block. "Cooler" but still insanely humid. (1.7 miles)

Friday, I headed out a few minutes before 7:00 am for a run on the cart paths and into the Cathance. Had planned to run all 9 holes but a couple was playing on hole 5 and the lady was not very nice and basically yelled at me to get off the cart paths, despite the fact that the course didn't officially open until 8:00 and I was running through way prior. Jeez! Otherwise, it was another humid June run, but with a slightly breeze and the first ripe blueberries of the season! (8.0 miles)

After lunch and the regular Friday morning errands, we headed south for a visit with Ryan's parents. It was great to see them, and fun to hear about their recent cruise and catch up. 

On Saturday morning, I headed over to run on the Vineyard Hill and Bradley Palmer trails. No air movement, too many deer flies and too much poison ivy and high grass for my liking, and so insanely humid it was like running through water. At least it wasn’t hot though ðŸĪŠ Four cute bunnies, three deer and two killdeer seen. (10.0 miles)

While I was out running, Ryan and Dad got in 9 holes of golf, and then as the weather was on and off rain, we had a relaxing afternoon inside and then went out for a yummy dinner in Newburyport, after which we drove by Neal and Kendra's still under construction house and took the only photo of us from the whole weekend 😂😂

This morning, in among the rain showers, I headed out for a road run around the Georgetown block. Temps were in the 60s but still insanely humid. Definitely a good week for a down week 😜 (7.0 miles)

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