Monday, June 3, 2024

End of May

Monday was a holiday, so I headed out a little before 9:00 for a run. Can't not run on a weekday day off from work! The rain had stopped before I headed out, but it was still misty and very damp out. Looped out into the Cathance. The river is still flowing nicely but much lower than it was earlier this spring, and everything is very green. The older, upper part of the loop out in the preserve is becoming less and less viable, with a lot of blowdowns and things getting overgrown and I wish it was still an official option as I always like a loop. (7.0 miles)


Bunchberry in bloom

Wednesday, I got out on the powerlines a little after 6:00 am. Nice morning and everything is very green. I am also very sniffly 😆 Achoo! First trailside iris of the season 😍(6.6 miles)

Love the smell of the hay scented ferns along this stretch

And in the back garden, the dark red columbine is now in bloom, with the iris beginning to bloom out front. So pretty!

Thursday, got out for a late afternoon walk around the school block after work and grocery shopping and before getting dinner made. Nice afternoon, and the smell of honeysuckle in the air is lovely. (1.8 miles walked)

Friday, I had some work to do along with the myriad typical Friday things on my to do list, so I didn't get out for a run until around 11:00 am. By then, it was warm and very windy. Did a road run to keep it nice and simple. Lots of pretty blue eyed grass blooming road and sidewalk-side. (6.4 miles)

Tested the leg this weekend with two 10-mile runs. Headed over to Pennelville on Saturday morning for a bit of exploration on the Landing side with some new trails discovered, ladyslipper counting in the Commons and some bird watching in the Pennelville fields. 184 ladyslippers, bluebirds, swallows, redwinged blackbirds and bobolinks in the fields, plus other wildflowers seen. Beautiful morning with bright blue sky above. (10.0 miles)

Coleman Farm Rhodendron 

Indian cucumber in bloom out in the Landing

Ladyslippers are out!

Still a whole lot of starflower

Iris in the marshy area out in Pennelville

Love the green fields and the flitting, chattering birds

Sunday was another lovely morning. Ran out on the powerlines. Leg held up well to the test of two 10s in a row although left hip/glute still is tight. Sheep Laurel is out, chokeberry and blackberry brambles smell divine, and the blueberries are growing! We have fully transitioned to the summer season with all the green and the spring emphemals have passed. (10.0 miles)

Then after lunch, we picked up Mom and Dad and headed over to the Commons for our annual ladyslipper count. This year's total was 739 😍 and just as many pesky mosquitos! 😑😫 (1.93 miles walked) And of course, followed up by ice cream at Fielder's Choice - yum! 🍨

And for fun, some photos of Sam's time with Lauren at Old Orchard Beach. I don't think they were having any fun, do you?! Ha! 😉😆😊

And because it is the end of yet another month, here is the May wrap-up:

May Miles:
71.51 run miles (aie!)
27.24 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

706.81 run miles
89.44 walk miles
0.0 XC miles

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