Monday, July 15, 2024

Camp Fun

We picked Sam up at camp on Saturday morning. She was exhausted but filled with many stories and sounds like she and her friends had an amazing two weeks. And the weather was pretty great too, even if it was a bit toasty, so that certainly helps!

Here are are few camp photos to start off the post:

4th of July fun

End of the session dance

This second week while Sam was away was pretty quiet on the homefront.

Monday, we took a walk around the block after dinner. (1.7 miles walked)

Tuesday morning, I headed out and did a short run. The hamstring was feeling ok and it was nice to be running, although I am trying not to get my hopes up. Looped out on the powerlines and back via the roads. First wood lily sighting of the year, but too far off in the brush to get a photo. Milkweed in bloom and blueberries ripening. (3.0 miles)

Wednesday, I went out for a walk before work. So heavy. (2.0 miles walked)

Thursday, we went out to dinner at Nomad, which was fun and delish!

Friday, I headed over to Pennelville to run/walk/whatever felt good. It was a nice morning, and my hamstring felt good on the way out to Simpson's Point so I decided to keep running. Then by mile 2.5, I was feeling it twinge and decided to stop and walk the rest of the way back. I really do love it out here among the fields. Bobolinks, red winged blackbirds and goldfinch flitting about and many wildflowers. 2.5 miles run + 1.5 miles walked)

Definitely feeling the hamstring after that, so it was probably a bad idea. Sigh.

Saturday, I drove over to Foreside to walk out onto the powerlines and enjoy the wood lilies and blueberries. I wish I was running, but obviously that is just not happening right now. One deer, three blueberries, a whole lot of spider webs, and wood lilies and blueberries galore. (2.4 miles walked)

One of my woodland favorites 💗

And then it was off to pick Sam up at camp! So glad she gets to enjoy these fun few weeks in the woods with friends, but we missed her and it was good to have her home!

After a bit of relaxation (and laundry! 😂), we headed down to my aunt Theresa's for a few hours in the later afternoon, as cousin Sean and his boys were in town visiting for the weekend. We had fun catching up with everyone and enjoying an early dinner but Sam was definitely pooped so we headed home around 5:30. Of coruse, we hit the crazy rains that came through on our way home. So.much.water!

Sunday, I headed out early for a bit of movement before we headed to Bradbury to volunteer at the finish line of the Scuffle. (1.7 miles walked)

It's a bit rough to be around runners when you yourself are not running and are on the DL. But it was good to be there and to see friends and cheer on everyone finishing the race. Then Mom and Dad came over for a taco dinner. Such a social day!

While Sam was away, the kitties enjoyed her bed 😻

Gigi is looking very displeased that I interupted her nap!



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