Sunday, December 3, 2023

And Right Into December

I think I'll just skip the part where I say it was a busy week. That is pretty much the norm these days and I don't see it changing much! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰

Monday was a rest day. Tuesday, I got out for an afternoon run on the cart paths. Chilly but nice out, although you can feel the early darkness looming on these short December days and I managed to just finish before the sun started setting around 4:00 pm. (5.0 miles) 

Did not manage to either get up early for a run on Wednesday nor sneak away from my computer during the workday, so instead, I joined Ryan for a late afternoon walk around 3:30 pm. (1.8 miles walked)

Then, miracle of all miracles, I actually did get out of bed and out the door at 5:30 on Thursday morning for a run around the Highland Green block. Dark and quiet, with a few Christmas lights up and one pair of eye peeking out at me from the edge of the woods. (5.0 miles)

As my run was in total darkness, there were no sunrise pics to be had, but I was at the dump dropping off recycling on my way home from work while a glorious sunset was happening, so there's that. Truly, the dump has an amazing sunset view πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

Ryan dropped Sam at school on Friday so that I could get out around 7:00 for my run, and with the late sunrises these days the sun was still rising on the horizon. Very pretty, and a lovely morning to be out on the powerlines, even if my legs felt sluggish. (6.0 miles)

Then later in the morning, I met up with Val, Mindy, Keri and Keri's new dog, Moxie, at Brad for a walk. Moxie was very cute! Beautiful morning for a walk in the woods with friends, and so nice to catch up! (3.0 miles walked)

Saturday morning dawned dreary, damp and mild. I headed out for a run around the Heath a little after 8:00. Those rotten bog bridges were most definitely slick with green ice! (5.0 miles)

Then it was off to get a Christmas tree! I think my favorite thing about decorating is looking at all the ornaments. So many memories 😍 And with that, poof, it's Christmas! πŸ’–πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Helping 😸😹


Lauren and Rohan came over for dinner and then the three girls went to see the high school play. She got to bed later than was ideal as she had to be up early this morning for her Y swim meet, with warm-ups starting at 8:00 am, but I know they had a good time and it is always important to spend time with friends too! 

One of the lovely things about this time of year is waking up early in the morning and turning on the lights to enjoy the tree as I sit on the couch and drink a cup of coffee and start the day. So nice.

The swim meet was actually being held at the Bowdoin pool, so after I dropped Sam off at 7:45am this morning, I headed out from there for a run through the Commons. Dreary, damp and overcast, but feeling warmer than I expected, so I was definitely a bit overdressed. Can't say I felt too peppy, which isn't too surprising considering it is only week 2 back to running after Rim to River, and I am adjusting to this new swim schedule too, which has all of us staying up later! 😴😴Sam has done a good job though. It is a lot but I know she is enjoying it. (6.5 miles)

After the run, I did a few errands and then after Ryan got in a run and we ate an early lunch, we headed over to the pool to watch the remainder of the meet, which gotten delayed and started an hour late. Mom and Dad were up in the stands and were there for all four of her events, but we saw the final three, and Sam did great! It is fun to watch her swim and the Bowdoin pool is a good pool to spectate at, with the stands straight on with all the lanes. But boy, are these Y swim meets long! LRSC is a huge team with 200 kids! Thankfully the HS meets are going to be much shorter. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰

This week my stories were filled with everyone's Spotify 2023 top songs and artists. Apparently, I remain a Swiftie πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

And because somehow another month has already passed, here is the November wrap-up:


Miles run: 145.75

Miles walked: 23.64

Miles XC skiied: 0

9 zero days


Miles run: 2,061.95

Miles walked: 178.34

Miles XC skiied: 18.1

66 zero days

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