Sunday, December 24, 2023


Although the lead-up to Christmas always feels a bit frenzied and crazed, this week it was even more so due to the crazy wind and rain storm we had on Monday. With up to 6" of rain falling in different parts of the state, it was catastrophic, with the major rivers overflowing their banks and flooding towns, ruining buildings and roads, and overtaking cars parked on the streets in many places, and with high winds too, over 400,000 homes lost power. We lucked out here and didn't lose power at home, just internet for a while, but many were still without power even into Friday! Crazy.

I was sitting in on four interviews for work, and as the morning progressed, we were watching the wind and rain whip around outside, with the power finally going out in between interviews 2 and 3. Luckily, the conference room we were using was bright even without lights, so we continued on with the remaining interviews and then all dispersed to go home. Meanwhile, schools in our district were getting dismissed early due to power loss and flooding. 

Tuesday, school was cancelled and I headed out just as it was getting light for a run before heading into the office, where power had been restored overnight. A whole bunch of debris everywhere from yesterday’s storm, but no major damage that I could see. Couldn’t resist heading down to check out the river and it was suitably roaring, although likely not yet crested. (6.0 miles)

Wednesday, I was working from home so I headed out mid-morning, routing my run so that I check out the Androscoggin, and wow, it is crazy how high the water is and how fast and powerfully it is flowing! Never seen it so high. The green bridge was closed, as were many other bridges throughout the state as a precaution, and the water was insanely close to hitting it. I read later that the height of the water was 6 feet as of Monday morning, cresting at over 21 feet on Wednesday. WOW!

Thursday, being the solstice and the longest night, was the Homeless memorial service for work in the evening in rememberance of those lost this year, so I got a few errands done in the morning after dropping Sam at school and then came home to take a quick walk. It was 24 degrees but with the wind whipping, feel like temp was 12! Brrrr. Definitely not the most pleasant walk. πŸ˜‚ Silly goals... only 9 walking miles remaining for the year. (2.0 miles walked)

After the service, which is always very moving, I raced home as we were signed up to work concessions at 6:30 at the girls basketball game. Apparently, this is a thing?! Every team has to fill a certain number of concessions slots to get their booster money for uniforms, etc. So there we were, doing our part for the swim team! Abby came with us, so she and Sam had fun, and it was just busy enough to not be boring and not so busy that it was crazy. 

Friday morning, I got my errands out of the way first and then went out for a run once it had warmed up (slightly at least!) around 10:30. Ran the powerlines, which were a bit slowgoing with semi-frozen sand and ice out in the open and lots of debris down in the woods. Bright and sunny if a bit windy. (7.0 miles)

Then Friday night was another Mt Ararat swim meet. Ryan had volunteered to be a timer during the meet (they need parent timers to make it all work each meet) but Mom and Dad came to cheer up in the stands with me, as did Lauren and Rohan. Such good friends 😍 Sam was a busy swimmer, swimming in two relays as well as swimming both the 50 free and the 500 free! She swam well and was really happy with her 500, which for those of you keeping count is 20 laps. She said she really enjoyed it and it is fun to see her thinking about how to get better. 

A big smile for Lauren and Rohan up in the stands

We took the girls to Wendy's after the meet (I think fast food is going to be the theme for these Friday night meets!) and then Ryan made the rounds getting them home before we all headed to bed. 

Saturday, I decided to run down out into the Cathance to check out the river, and was treated to some amazing ice pancakes out on the river! It must have been just the perfect conditions for their formation as most of them were bigger than a dinner plate and very round. Always a fun sight!πŸ₯žπŸ˜πŸ˜Š(6.1 miles)

So many pancakes!

Then after lunch, Ryan joined me for a nice long walk. We headed out on the powerlines and wandered up through Highland Green before looping along the bottom of the Heath and back on the cart paths and roads home. It was a very pleasant afternoon to be out (even if there really should be snow on the ground!) and we chipped away a decent chunk of my remaining miles to hit my walking goal for 2023. (4.0 miles walked)

 A cool sappy icicle

Then once we were back home, it was onto making the holiday booze brownies! πŸ˜‹

This morning, I headed out to the grocery store early to pick up the final supplies needed for Christmas breakfast and dinner, got a few things done in the kitchen and then headed out for a run around 8:30. Ran out through the woods, looped around on the cart paths and down to the river and back. Lots of neat ice to be found, but the ice panckes were gone, with only foam remaining. Mild. (8.0 miles)

Only foam remained...

Headed over to Mom and Dad's for some Christmas Eve gingerbread house construction later in the afternoon and of course to enjoy our traditional Christmas Eve meal of Indian food and gingerbread. Yum!

The glue gun is way easier than icing for construction!

Fun decorating

Christmas Eve gift of fun Christmas shorts!

And finally, it was home to fil the stockings and put the presents out under the tree. Gig was very interested 😸😹😻

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