Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thanksgiving Week

I always feel like once we hit Halloween, time speeds up and poof, it's Thanksgiving, and then, aie, Christmas is literally just around the corner! And with us traveling this year down to WV for my race at the start of the month, it seems like that even moreso. But that being said, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, as the idea is literally to get together and eat and drink and enjoy 😊You won't hear any complaints about that from me!

Sam is going to be doing high school swimming this winter along with continuing to swim with LRSC up at the Y, and this week was the start of HS winter sports season, so it was a busy start to the week, capped off with some good family fun for Thanksgiving.

Monday was a busy work day with a late afternoon meeting for me, so Ryan took Sam up to the Y for early swim practice, and then I was on tap to get her to her first HS practice. As the team practices at the Bowdoin pool and shares pool time not only with the college team but the Brunswick and Freeport HS teams too, the practices are slightly erratic and are either scheduled for 7:00, 7:30 or 8:00 at night. This week it was 8:00 practice. This new schedule and juggling practices for both teams has the potential to be rough for all of us, I must admit, but we'll settle in and make it work!

The HS team is pretty small but Sam was definitely holding her own and looking strong out in the pool. Both Ryan and I had a chance to chat with the head coach a bit on Monday and Tuesday while we were there watching practice and waiting for Sam, and he seems super nice and very supportive. We are excited for her to swim for her school, and think it is going to be a great experience!

Tuesday, I took Sam up to the Y for early swim and got in a run during practice. Ran up the road and looped through the cemetary. Definitely not feeling peppy but nice to get out. (4.0 miles)

Woke up to rain on Wednesday and while I had hoped to run, I am just not in the spot where I need to run in the cold rain, so I opted for a short walk around the dump ponds after I dropped off the recycling instead. And 20 minutes was more than enough. Definitely not the nicest morning! (1.2 miles walked)

After getting a few things done at home and the car packed up, we headed south. We arrived in time for lunch and all the Thanksgiving prep! As you can see, it's very serious business 😂 Everyone pitched in and we got things all set and ready to go.

On Thursday, I headed out for a morning run before we had to move back into the kitchen for day-of- Thanksgiving prep. It was windy in all directions, how is it possible!? Felt ok if a bit overdressed and a bit ragged in those final miles. Obviously still recovering, but happy to get out through the marshes. Always pretty. (7.0 miles)

As always, enjoyed a lovely day with the family, full of laughter, a bit of chaos, and lots of yummy food and drink! Happy Thanksgiving! 

A nice bright, brisky morning on Friday for another road run. This time, fueled by pie, or maybe weighed down by it? 🤪😂🥧(6.1 miles)

After lunch, we helped bring the tree up from the basement and the kids got to work decorating it. Always fun! 😊🎄💗

Then, in an effort to get out some more of the boy's energy, we headed out for a late afternoon walk. Not sure anything would be successful in that regard. Their energy is amazing 😂 (1.7 miles walked)

We headed home mid-morning on Saturday, stopping in Portland for poke bowls at Big Fin Poke on the way. Yum! Then, after getting things put away and the laundry going, Ryan and I headed across the street for a walk, just for some movement. Nice and sunny if a bit chilly. (1.7 miles walked)

Anne and Abby came over for a short visit later in the afternoon, and then we settled in on the couch for some leftovers and to catch up on the Great British Baking show! We always love our time at the holidays with everyone, but it is nice to get home.

Sunday morning I was up early to get some chores done around the house and the grocery shopping completed, finally heading out around 10:00 for my run. Another bright, crisp morning. Ran down to the river and back. A few foamy ice pancakes on the river already and a thin sheen of ice on the Heath. (6.0 miles)

Later in the afternoon, we headed over to Mom and Dad's to help them put up and decorate the tree and have an early dinner. So much decorating this weekend! 😊🎄

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