Sunday, November 19, 2023

Recovery Week #2

This was not exactly a restful week, with a lot going on at work and extra hours worked, along with colonoscopy prep and a colonoscopy on Friday, but it is what it is! At least all of that kept me from getting back to running too early 😂😂

On Tuesday, I took Sam to swim and got in a walk around the Bath block. Nice afternoon to breathe a little fresh air and try to destress a bit. (1.7 miles walked)

Wednesday, I snuck in a short walk around the school block at home in the late afternoon before my 4:00 meeting, just to get in a bit of movement for the day. (1.5 miles walked)

Thursday was colonoscopy prep day, and honestly, the worst was that I am not a very good hungry person! I managed to work a full day at home and that kept me occupied and distracted, but by the evening I was just so hungry and the liquid calories were just not cutting it, and I therefore wasn't feeling so great. Of course, the effects of the prep were not ideal either, but oh well. 

The procedure went fine on Friday morning and as soon as we got home, Ryan went out to get us breakfast sandwiches, which I inhaled 😆 Once I had some food in my system, I started to come back to life, and after a few hours of resting, I did rally and get out to go grocery shopping, do some errands, and then make dinner while Sam and Ryan were up at the Y for swim practice.  

Woke up to rain on Saturday. Headed out in the morning to get some more errands done and then got Sam up to the Y to get on the bus for her first swim meet of the season. She had a great meet with a PR in both the 200 free and 100 fly and a solid 100 back to finish up the meet. While she was at the meet, Ryan and I headed over to Mom and Dad's to help with Thanksgiving dinner #1 prep, which they were hosting on Sunday at their house. We spent several hours chopping and roasting and prepping before I headed back up to the Y to get Sam around 5:00 pm.

By this morning, I decided I had waited long enough to run again. I mean, 13 days off is pretty good, right?! 😆😉 So I headed out a little before 8:00 am for a short run up through Highland Green, along the bottom of the Heath and around. Definitely creaky overall and hips were a bit tight but nice to be out! Bright, crisp, frosty morning. Someone else had been out along the Heath before I got there - busy beaver! 💖 (4.5 miles)

Then around noon, it was back over to Mom and Dad's for Thanksgiving #1! Theresa, Dave, Sarah, Susie and Sarah's friends Miguel and Brianna joined us and we had a nice aftternoon enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving dinner together and it was great to catch up with everyone!

Sam taking a break from all the adult chit chat 😉

Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍻

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