Sunday, September 29, 2024

End of September

It's been a busy week! Spirit week and Homecoming at school for Sam, the start of the Y swim season, and Kristen coming into town for a visit! Lots of fun and excitement 😊

Monday was the first day of the LRSC swim season so it was back to the Y! Pretty afternoon for a walk around the Bath. (2.4 miles walked)

Tuesday, I just did not manage to get out the door as early as I would have liked, so kept it short and sweet with a road loop around Highland Green. (5.0 miles)

Muggy and overcast on Wednesday morning. Ran the road loop across the two bridges crossing the Andro. Haven't run that route in a while! (6.4 miles)

Kristen flew into town Wednesday afternoon, so we had dinner at Mom and Dad's. It was good to catch up and so good to see her 💗

Friday, I headed out around 6:15 am for a run on the cart paths. Misty and foggy with three deer seen. (5.1 miles)

Then it was off to do the typical Friday morning errands before picking up Kristen for lunch to celebrate her birthday at Wild Oats. Yum! 

Meanwhile, Sam was having fun at Eagles Day at school to finish up Spirit week 😁

And then it was off to Enoteca Athena for a delicious birthday dinner out before Sam headed to the Friday night football game. A fun day all around!

Saturday morning, I headed out on the powerlines aroudn 8:00 am. Warm, but smells and is starting to look like fall out there. As is the theme this week, I haven't run this loop for a while, so that felt good. Nice morning. (7.0 miles)

I dropped Sam off to meet up with Lauren and Rohan so they could get their nails done before they headed back to Lauren's house to hang out and get ready for the Homecoming dance, and then after lunch, Ryan and I met up with Mom, Dad and Kristen for a walk out on the trails and down to the ocean at Skofield Shore Preserve. Always love it out here. Such a pretty afternoon to be out. (1.5 miles walked)

The girls had a blast at Homecoming, and looked so adorable all together in their sparkly dresses! 😎😍

Sunday, I headed out into the Cathance for a run. Haven't been out there for a while! 😆 It was nice to be back down along the river, although definitely feeling a bit slow on the technical terrain. The foliage is just beginning to turn and is looking lovely. Happy to be feeling good and to have hit 30 miles for the week. Onward and upward! (6.5 miles)

Later in the morning, Sam and I met up with Mom, Dad and Kristen up at Rocky Ridge for some apple picking. Always so pretty out in the orchard, and of course, the apples and the cider donuts were delish!

We finished up the weekend over at Mom and Dad's for a nice afternoon with the extended family. Good to see everyone, and of course, there was too much food and three different cakes! 😂😋

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