Sunday, September 22, 2024


Another week of 5 days x 5 miles. Planning to get back up to 30 next week, but for now I'll take this as a continued step in the right direction. Also, pretty much every run this week included the words "warm" or "muggy." Guess we're in that late September phase of warmth before the cool days of fall truly start.

Took Monday off as a zero day and planned to get up and run early in the morning on Tuesday but instead fell back to sleep for another hour. Oops. So it turned into an afternoon walk kind of day. Warm out. (2.6 miles walked)

Headed out around 6:15 am for a run. Nice morning with a pretty sky as I caught the edge of sunrise. One deer and one great blue heron seen. Warm and muggy. (5.1 miles)

Thursday was a headlamp start at 5:30 am. Muggy and foggy. Ran a loop around Highland Green. (5.2 miles)

Had to be in the office all day on Friday for the auditors, so it was a repeat of Thursday, although along with the mugginess and fogginess, there was some heavy misty falling. One frog hopping across the road in the semi-darkness. (5.2 miles)

The cats woke me up early on Saturday but I spent a few quiet, lazy hours on the couch reading my book before heading out for a road run around town a little after 8:30 am. Muggy. (5.4 miles)

Then later in the afternoon, while Sam was downtown hanging out with Anne and Abby, Ryan and I headed across the street for a walk. Wore my new Courtney Dewaulter hat. Love it 😎 (2.6 miles walked)

This morning, Emily came up to join us for a run on the powerlines. It was fun to catch up as we ran along! The air had that glorious smell of fading hay scented ferns, and the fields are filled with aster and goldenrod. Nice morning to be out and a fun way to wrap up the running week! (5.3 miles)

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