Sunday, September 8, 2024

10th Grade!

And just like that, summer is over and Sam is back to school, and this year as a sophmore. Seriously, where does the time go?!

Monday was a holiday and a day of work for me. Got out for a mid-morning run on the powerlines, enjoying all the aster, viburnum and goldenrod - love those late summer colors! Warm and sunny. (5.3 miles)

After a quiet afternoon, we headed over to Mom and Dad's for an early dinner and then took a walk downtown for gelato πŸ˜‹πŸ¨Pretty evening. (2.0 miles walked)

Headed out around 6:20 on Tuesday for a run around the Highland Green block before heading into work. (5.2 miles)

And then Wednesday was the first day of 10th grade! πŸ“šπŸ˜

Got in a nice walk in the late afternoon once I got home from work. With school back in session, the roads around school are busy again and the fields full of kids practicing. (2.6 miles walked)

Took a full rest day on Thursday, and then Friday, after going to the farmer's market, doing the grocery shopping, dropping the recycling at the dump, stopping at the library and then doing my strength and mobility work, I headed out around 11:00 for a run. Ran out on the powerlines again - hard to resist the late summer colors out there. (5.2 miles)

Look at that big Chicken of the Woods mushroom!

The rest of the day was fairly chill, a bit of work, some reading, and then Sam went off to the football game with her friends after dinner. 

Headed out around 8:00 on Saturday for a road run around town. Beautiful morning to be out, but tired. (5.4 miles)

Sunday dawned cool and crisp. Definitely a hint of fall in the air. After strength and mobility work, I headed out around 7:30 for a walk around the block. Beautiful morning. (3.0 miles walked)

Then it was off to Brad to volunteer at the finish line of the Bruiser. Ryan ran a great race and Emma won the series! Always fun to cheer on friends and have a chance to hang out and catch up with everyone!

Meanwhile, Sam was off at the mall with Lauren, Rohan and Kylee dress shopping for Homecoming.

And yes, and just for fun, from the archives:

@semi_rad’s Friday Inspirations’s email is always filled with interesting items. And this week, there was a link to the @appalachiantrail’s AT Hiker Photo archive ( ). So of course, I went and found us πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ Too funny! We look a bit bedraggled but happy 😊 

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