Monday, October 19, 2020

Rolling Along

It should have been race weekend down in TN at No Business 100. Even though I had accepted that my big goal for the year was out long ago, it is still making me feel a bit dreary to not be traveling and racing this weekend. However, I am grateful to have been able to defer to 2021 and am looking forward to experiencing the course then. At least I already know what's on next year's calendar! Also most certainly keeping my fingers crossed that the world has settled a bit by then too, in more ways than one. 

Wednesday morning I decided to cut myself a bit of slack and head out a little later than I might normally on a weekday morning since I was working from home and because honestly, I'm so much happier when my run involves at least a little bit of light! Headed out at 6:10 am with my headlamp on and ran down the powerlines into the sunrise. It really was a gorgeous morning with pastel colors on the horizon and the crescent moon and Venus aglow, some pretty late fall color, and a lovely glowing light on the return portion as the sun rose. (6.0 miles)

Friday was a bit dreary, overcast and rather murky, but the rain held off until later in the day, and I got in a nice run out through the Common & Coleman Farm. The scrub oaks and blueberry bushes were showing their colors out in the Commons and there are still some nice patches of color to be found elsewhere. (10.0 miles)

Woke up to pouring rain and driving winds on Saturday so had a quiet morning and then spent the rest of the day purging cabinets in the kitchen and assisting Ryan in putting together a new kitchen cart from Wayfair, as the one we've been saying needs to be replaced since we moved in (like 15 years ago!!), finally had a shelf collapse last weekend. What was supposedly an easy assembly pretty much took all day when you added in taking apart and removing the old cabinet, but the new cart looks good! And hopefully it will be impetus for us to redo the rest of the kitchen in the near future.

By the time the kitchen project was done, the rain had stopped and the sun was shining, so I headed out for a run around 3:00. Still pretty windy though, and lots of big puddles! Ran a loop on the powerlines. Felt a bit sluggish, but glad to get a few miles in. (6.7 miles)

Mom and Dad came over for dinner and Sam went down to Harpswell with them for the night, so Ryan and I watched Knives Out. Fun if slightly dark. 

Sunday was the annual Trail Monster run and end of the season lunch. We chose to skip the run portion this year due to Ryan still rehabbing his achilles and me not quite feeling comfortable running small loops with a group of people, so I got out around 7:45 for a road run. Beautiful crisp morning but was feeling rather uninspired, or perhaps just saddened that I was missing the group run fun, so ran the bare minimum needed to hit 40 miles for the week and that was it! (9.3 miles)

Then we headed up to Turner to Martin Stream Campground for the TMR get-together. It was a bit chilly but nice in the sun, and good to be able to be together safely outside. Even if I'd rather have been able to give a few hugs than keep socially distanced and masked, it was fun to chat and spend a few hours with friends!

Made the drive back to Harpswell after that and Dad, Sam, Ryan and I got out for a short walk along the dirt roads near the VBRO while Mom finished up the chicken noodle soup and apple pie for dinner. Yum! Lovely to get out for a short excursion. (1.6 miles walked)

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